
Do women really want total equality?

by Guest45385  |  earlier

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Agreed that in in workplace, women want equal pay & promotions. But what about dating? Why are some women hesitant to ask a guy out? And taking care of her half of the expenses, when she's earning the same or more than me?




  1. God created male and female equally in status and standards but the responsibilities are different . thats why women have b*****s and men have not, women have 90 % different features than men, thats why the family bonds of west have broken bcauz they assigned un natural responsibilities to women , they are earning and they are looking after home and children and husband and family,,, double than men.. the imperialists are using them even to sell a soap bar .this is exploitation in the name of freedom, they are showing and selling women's bodies and sexual ... islam says women are mothers .sisters, and daughters, it gives share in the husbands aswell as father's property and respect them as the most precious thing kept out of the range of eyes of men through veil, because these  eyes exploit their modesty...

  2. No, they want domination and all the perks that come with it. The problem is they so not want to work or fight for it they want you to give it to them.

  3. Well lets face it Robert...if we did achieve total least everything would be a lot prettier!

    Way back 15 years ago (before marriage), I quite happily asked guys out on dates, and I would never allow a guy to pay for me...I wanted the freedom to eat what I wanted, see what I wanted without the covenance of the guy's wallet!

    I also could give a rats if I earn the same as men in my workplace. I am valued as an employee, and I love my job, it pays my bills, and allows my kids to do a miriad of sports...that is all that is important to me. Purpose of this rant? Not all women are feminists, and if they are not feminists, it does not necessarily mean we are airheads either as indicated above. Some of us are just women.

  4. women that go on about equality really want revenge and control

  5. You should hang round this board for a bit longer - 'hesitant' is not the word that springs to mind :-)

  6. What I think is that every individual is different, and wants other things. I think it is abusive to talk about women or men, as this is a physical distinction. That's right, males and females have a different body (this is obvious), but why should this difference have any pertinence at the society level (this might be less obvious) ? We are all individuals, persons, etc. My answer is a stupid question: what do individuals want ?

  7. I certainly do, and if I don't get to cover 50% of the expenses, I'm out of there.

  8. I don't, I like the struggle but that's just me & I'm pretty traditional.

  9. The women who want total equality will take care of her half of the expenses.

    Too many men are attracted to the helpless, "poor little me," fluffy type of girl, and are then surprised when they end up stuck in a traditional rut.

    You can't have the benefits of a relationship with a feminist mixed together with the so-called "benefits" of dating an airhead.

  10. Yes. I've often asked guys out and always paid 50-50 unless the guy was earning a huge load more than me.

  11. Individuals will always be shy about doing the asking out. Less and less do women refrain from asking men out simply because they are women. I have always been the one to make the first move, and I encourage my significant other to let me pay for my share at restaurants, etc, even though he sometimes insists upon paying.

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