
Do women take it to heart, like does it really matter?

by  |  earlier

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Allright- say you give me your cell number right and we talk and it seem like we hit it off pretty good.

Then you like alright call on my house number right, and I say "I'll call you tommorow".

Does it really matter whether I call you the next day after or the next day after, down the road?




  1. the sooner you call the more interested you seem.... everyone likes to feel the person they are interested is interested in them...the longer you go with out calling the more the  women is likely to think ''' he's not that interested ... he  might be involved / dating others etc....  not to mention if you say you will call the next day and don't call for days...  ( unless there was an emergency) ... it looks  right from the start that you do not keep your word.... a bad sign... and  its  common  in   game players..

  2. Queee hueva!!!  Who gives a **** what people think?  Sometimes you got more important things to do or you simply forget.  It's not like you didn't mean to call in the first place, it just happened that way.  Bambinas should understand; be more patient and understanding.  What if my Grandma died that day or I got in an accident or something?  Or what if I slept all day and woke up too drowsy to call... I then, didn't call because I care so much about the girl that I didn't want to mess up our first phone conversation.  Or that same day after I met you, I met some hot looking bambina so I decided to say Ciao to the first one... Doesn't that explain it very well?

  3. if the girl likes you then she'll definitely feel bad cos she will be expecting your call but if the girl doesn't like you then she wouldn't even care if you call or not.

  4. Well if you tell someone you'll call you should keep your word otherwise don't say it.

  5. If you want to see her again (or even talk with her) you best call her when you say you will.  Otherwise, you will be in trouble!  Yes, it does really matter and they do take it to heart.

  6. Like, yes it matters. If you don't want to like talk to her anymore, just like tell her. (see how I put all the likes in there? That's how you like sound)

  7. A mans word is his bond. Women like a man of action, if you say it you should do it. Or try being less specific don't say I'll call you tomorrow say I will give you a call soon. You should always mean what you say and say what you mean.


  8. You should do what you said you'll do... when you said you would.

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