
Do women usally get custody of children in a divorce?

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Current day do women get the children more in divorce cases? Tryed find statistics for this and i could'nt find anything:(




  1. Ok here's the honest truth. While back in the not so far past women were granted custody of their kids if they were from birth-about 8 yrs old because it was seen as better for them in terms of nurturing etc, it is not that way now. If mom asks for custody, and dad doesn't dispute it, then she gets custody. But if both parties are disputing who should get custody, the judge looks at what is in the best interest of the child. Who can provide for their well-being (emotional and physical) more efficiently. Its all about what would make the child more well-rounded and taken care of. Depending on age (say a 16 yr old) might have a choice on who they would like to stay with (judge might listen to their opinion and CONSIDER it) but never basing their decision solely on what  a teenager wanted. Hope this helps.

  2. Yes, usually until the age of 13. Then most judges will let the child decide. From all my friends in the past, 90% chose Dad. Dad lets you do whatever you want.

  3. The gender of the parent doesn't matter - it's whomever is the better parent.  Primarily, courts try to go for shared custody though.

  4. Unless the woman doesn't want the kids or the dad fights for them...

  5. Yes.

  6. Most women get custody of the children unless there is a VERY good reason not to give them custody. (Abuse, neglect etc)

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