
Do women who supported Hillary, now support McCain because of his VP pick?

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McCain, who alway said he was a moderate Republican and nothing like Bush, has totally given in to the right wing by picking Palin, who is Bush in women's clothing. She is another lunatic Evangelical who will sway McCain to move more and more to the right, showing he has no backbone and has pathetic judgement out of desperation. Palin wants creationism taught in schools, is against all abortion, including pregnancies due to rape, incest and even if the mothers life is threatened. She is a dangerous woman to those of us that want our country back after Buh has taken it away from us for 8 years and if they are elected will only continue, where Bush has left off. The 2 major Alaskan newspapers have said she is in no way prepared to be VP and given McCains age and probability to fall to some illness, making him unable to lead, will land her right in the oval office, which the Alaskan papers have said would be a disaster. She was a mayor of a town with a population of 6000 and Govenor of a state with a population of 500,000, yet the Republicans say she is more experienced than Obama and Biden which is absurd. She and her husband are also oil people (WEALTHY) and haven't a clue what the average Americans so badly need. The Republicans continue to live in their own reality and refuse to see the nightmare Bush has caused to millions of Americans over the last 8 years. She is not Hillary and has the exact opposite views than Hillary does. If McCain/Palin win this election, America stays stuck in the nightmare. If Obama/Biden win the election, we get our country back are are released frm the grips of the dellusional Republicans. Obama gives us hope of the change our country needs. McCain and Palin will be Bush and Cheney all over again.




  1. Women are not that stupid. And even those who liked this pick at first may change their mind when they find out that she is no champion for women rights.

    (there is an actual recording in that article of how Palin laughs when her co-worker is being called all sorts of dirty words)

  2. McCain is more moderate than Bush, although Bush has been very moderate (with the exception of the war on terror and tax cuts for the middle class.)

    Given the fact that 75% of Americans practice a main religion and believe in creationism, and given it is as scientifically valid as darwinism, let's give people the choice to hear both sides. We are all about change and choice this year, so why not include creationism?

    The Alaskan republicans and newspapers are against her because she cleaned house up there when she took office, as she said she would, and a lot of insiders were upset with that.

    As far as the rest of your dribble, I don't even know how to respond because your points are so convoluted and misguided that I would not know where to begin.  But keep running against Bush and Cheney and you'll do fine, I'm sure.

  3. OK don't worry, because Obama has now won. If the women of this country are too stupid to see what Mccain's up to, then they are in serious denial. Hillary voters can see what he's doing, and it was a dirty trick. Give me a break, he only choose her because she's a woman. Hillary voters are very loyal to her, and from what i've seen with them are going for Obama like she asked them to. The Dems put on a great convention....we've won. I seriously bet Obama and Biden had a good laugh over this one.....  

  4. No they aren't that stupid.  She's anti-abortion, anti-g*y marriage, pro-gun, and under investigation for using the office for revenge. If you wanted to gain female votes by choosing a female, she wasn't the one to select as his choice for VP.

  5. NO!  I guess I'm just not ignorant or rich enough to vote for McCain/Palin!

  6. well at least the religious right is now interested in the ticket.

  7. Of course not! They are not that easily manipulated. Just because McCain wants to use the s*x card, doesn't mean he'll get it.

  8. That's how out of touch republicans are.

  9. It would be insanity. Palin and Hillary are NOTHING alike. Except for nads.

  10. No.  of course not.  Do you think we are so shallow and simple minded that we would switch from a liberal platform to whatever it is the Republicans have, based on the fact that McCain picked a woman VP?  Please, give us some credit.  We have brains.  We use our brains.  

  11. If so that would be the dumbest thing ever and proves they are hypocrites. Palin is the antithesis of Clinton.

  12. How many times are politicians going to fall for that "'the Evangelicals are your base" before they realize that while they might be vocal, they are neither moral nor are they the majority.

    Republicans really need some re-education, and I'm offering myself as the whip-snapper to do it !!!

    WHAT was McCain thinking? Someone says 'we need a pro-life, spiteful, white, rich woman to balance the ticket and get the fringe fundamentalist flat-earth vote' and McCain says "yeah, well, Cindy won't accept that job, so Sarah Palin works for me." HUH?

    Look at it another way: at least with Sarah as his VP choice, while they're on the road (to Nowhere, I believe), when he needs a fresh outfit, he can turn to her and say "Iron my shirt, beyotch" which wouldn't be quite the same as if he had a MALE VP in tow.

    But what I REALLY want to know is: how can McCain be hammering the last nails into his own coffin while he's INSIDE it? Watch out, Chris Angel !!!

  13. Don't worry about it.

    Women will see through Palin as the facts are displayed.  

    If McCain picked a moderate would be a serious threat to take Hillary voters.   All Palin does is make the base happy.

    She also kills any argument about experience with Obama & pretty much makes the whole RNC look like hypocrites in retrospect.   It turns that argument against the arguer.

  14. I'm voting for president, not vice president. I will vote for Obama. I would never vote for a republican conservative based on his VP pick. That's just stupid.

  15. I would love to get a look at the ballots Hillary Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro cast in this election.

    Ferraro sounded pretty emotional when she talked about how in all these years nobody had given her credit until Sarah Palin did.

  16. I would hope that American women aren't that  gullible Sheeesh!!

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