McCain, who alway said he was a moderate Republican and nothing like Bush, has totally given in to the right wing by picking Palin, who is Bush in women's clothing. She is another lunatic Evangelical who will sway McCain to move more and more to the right, showing he has no backbone and has pathetic judgement out of desperation. Palin wants creationism taught in schools, is against all abortion, including pregnancies due to rape, incest and even if the mothers life is threatened. She is a dangerous woman to those of us that want our country back after Buh has taken it away from us for 8 years and if they are elected will only continue, where Bush has left off. The 2 major Alaskan newspapers have said she is in no way prepared to be VP and given McCains age and probability to fall to some illness, making him unable to lead, will land her right in the oval office, which the Alaskan papers have said would be a disaster. She was a mayor of a town with a population of 6000 and Govenor of a state with a population of 500,000, yet the Republicans say she is more experienced than Obama and Biden which is absurd. She and her husband are also oil people (WEALTHY) and haven't a clue what the average Americans so badly need. The Republicans continue to live in their own reality and refuse to see the nightmare Bush has caused to millions of Americans over the last 8 years. She is not Hillary and has the exact opposite views than Hillary does. If McCain/Palin win this election, America stays stuck in the nightmare. If Obama/Biden win the election, we get our country back are are released frm the grips of the dellusional Republicans. Obama gives us hope of the change our country needs. McCain and Palin will be Bush and Cheney all over again.