
Do words hurt?

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I mean really what ever happend to 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me'?




  1. I think we tend to forget that don't we? I should remember those words more often when a terrible name has caused me to feel shame and embarrasment.

  2. if youre an adult you have a whole list of things you can do. but if you are child you have no choice.

  3. words hurt when they come frome somepeople

  4. Words hurt because sometimes they are calculated to strike you where you are weakest.

  5. Sadly, yes words can hurt even more than sticks and stones ever could.

    Sticks and stones will do physical harm and leave visible wounds, but words are psychological and the wounds (though not visible) stay with you a whole lifetime.

    Words can stay with you and harm your self esteem.  Especially from your family (parents, grandparents, spouse) or people that can influence your life.  Because they are so close to you that their words can hurt for a life time.

    Note to trini:  women are not the only ones that are sensitive to hurtful words.  Men are as well.  And if you take a deep look at those men, they were verbally abused in their youth and the only way they know to take revenge is by lashing out to others.

  6. Words are like a slap in the face...especially when you say it to the wrong person at the wrong time and it ruins your friendship. It is hard because words are there to express emotion and when you say the wrong thing it not only hurts them but also hurts you.

  7. An alternative to the sticks and stones you've mentioned is,

    Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me.

    Sorry, I just couldn't resist this one.

  8. they do if they touches u they can kill u n they might keeps u awake the whole night

  9. Words can kill.

  10. i guess words really hurrt woman cause i a man say something and would think nothing of it... get some estrogen and youll see how words hurt... i hate that women are sensitive

  11. in the most extreme case words do have the power to wound deeply, they can crush a person self confidence  destroy an individuals self -esteem, gossip can ruin lives,course words can and do cut people down, bullies use them to intimidate, threaten and harass their victims, they can keep people from living out their dreams and they can kill in some cases.     sticks and stones may break bones... but the wrong choice of words can crush the spirit.     men and women, no ones immune.

  12. Im 13 and I can say they do. My school is okay but theres this one guy that insists deliberately calling people "g*y" "homosexual" "q***r" etc.

    I mean he thinks it's funny but it's really annoying to lots of people. People think they can just say it and go away but it could leave more damage than you think.

    It really starts to annoy when you continuously do it for a long time.
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