
Do worms breath?

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do you know if worms need to breath? oxygen or carbon dioxide




  1. All organisms (macroscopic) have some method of gas exchange, and it's always oxygen used as the final electron acceptor in aerobic respiration.  No organisms breathe CO2!  It's a byprodcut created in the Krebs cycle and excreted as waste.  Worms don't exactly "breathe" as you probably think about your inhaling and exhaling, but do exchange gasses across a respiratory surface.

  2. worms require oxygen like all animals.  There are some anerobic bacteria that do not require oxygen but all multicellular animals require oxygen.

  3. Worms do not have lungs but they breathe through there skin. they take in oxygen through there skin and it goes right into my bloodstream. there skin must stay wet in order for the oxygen to pass through it, but if they are in too much water they will drown. Just keep them damp, moist and slimy. Although if the water has lots of air in it, they can stay under for a long time. this my friend is known as the process of diffusion

  4. Yes, they breath. They breath in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide.

  5. worms don't breathe the way humans or most other animals breathe. they don't have lungs or anything like that. their gas exchange is done mainly by difussion through their skin :] some worms may have some type of gill system but most is just plain old diffusion.

  6. yes, like any other animal or oxygen, and out comes carbon dioxide..duh!!!!

  7. Yes of course!! Through there skin, i think.
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