
Do x-out golf balls loose perfomance to the normal balls?

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they are so much cheaper and if there is no difference why isnt everyone jumpin on the money train




  1. Usually it is just a cosmetic flaw that puts them in the X-out bin and you won't notice any difference in performance.  As to why everyone doesn't use them it is mostly a status - ego- thing and the slight doubt that the ball might not perform.  You'd hate to make the perfect swing and get a poor result because the ball was dead so we spend the extra money and rarely make the perfect swing anyway.

  2. A regular hacker won't know or care the difference between X outs and the real deal most of the time. Sometimes, and I might be wrong b/c I don't have exact numbers, but I'd say most X outs are simply b/c of logo ink imperfections. That's it, the only reason usually - in which case, I'd buy them, and use them as normal.

    But, sometimes, especially with balatas or other wound balls, the ball didn't pass a QC checkpoint for some reason at the factory. Either it's not symmetrical, or the weight of the ball isn't centered (which will cause random uncontrollable hooking or slicing). Like I said before, an 18 plus handicapper won't know the difference. You have to be good enough to be able to control the fade/draw of your shot to notice anything wrong the ball. And most times, even if you're Tiger Woods, it'll take more than one hit to know if a ball isn't right. (The closest I ever get to noticing a ball is no good is when I use the same balata for too many holes in a row, it won't fly right off the tee. A good balata will only take a few hits with a driver before it gets lop sided) FYI - if you ever fish a balata out of a lake, DON'T use it for any shot that matters, by that point, it's worse than an X out.

    Also, no ball manufacturer QC's EVERY ball. Probably more like one out of every 100 or so. And the ones that don't pass for some reason (appearance, weight, size, etc) become X-outs. So, I'm sure some should be "X outs" make their way into the "good" boxes.

    Personally, I use X-outs in the winter or when the weather is c**p. But in any sort of competetive round, I use the real deal, whatever brand that may be.

  3. no there is no diffence of xout ball there are usally just over runs or wrong marking or ink on them

  4. Along with being cosmetically different X Outs are not conforming to USGA standards meaning, simply, that you cannot play one in a competitive round (technically.)  But I'm guessing that you're not soon to be playing in any USGA sponsored events so I say save the money and play the X Outs.  

    When I worked as a golf pro we would get X Outs in the shop all the time.  They were a fraction of the cost of the real deal.  We got the X Outs, played with those for all our "non-competitive rounds" and they work just fine.

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