
Do xenophobes whining about Toyota this year realize that Chevy won over 70% of last year's races?

by Guest66459  |  earlier

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Do xenophobes whining about Toyota this year realize that Chevy won over 70% of last year's races?




  1. I'd take a Toyota victory any day over a f@#@#@ing Chevy!!!!!!!!

  2. Preach it brother.

    The shoe is on the other foot this year.

  3. Big difference between Toyota this year and Chevy last year.

    JGR took on Toyotas this year and 1 car in cup (18) is running away and 1 car (20) in nationwide is running away, both owned by him.

    last year with Chevy, 4 different teams won with 10 different drivers.  

    theres nothing odd about a Chevy winning alot last year when 4 big time teams are running them with big name drivers behind the wheel.

    Its not whining from the fans...its just them questioning the odd fact of one car flying around the track.....with a sport that has been built on teams, crew chiefs, drivers, and owners bending rules, trying to find and edge, working the gray area and even admiting to flat out cheating, its not about the fans whining, its about the fans not whining being naive.

  4. You do realize this is the NASCAR section and your silly little FACTS mean nothing here.

  5. Yes, do you remember that everybody bitched about that too?

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  6. I can't stand Chevrolet, and I for one am glad Wild Thing and Toyota are dominating this year. Meanwhile Chevrolet  struggles at the bottom of the heap, gotta love it!

  7. you cant be using them  big words like that

    you'll be offended some of us redneck hillbillies

  8. well i've told them at least a half-dozen times, and i've heard many reporters/analysts go on about it (dave despain in particular). but as you know, xenophobes are "phobic," and trying to erase that fear with knowledge alone usually doesn't work.

  9. Wonder Woman doesn't even drive a race car.

  10. Japanese cars are better overall. American cars are gas-guzzling tin cans from China because labour is cheaper there. Greedy b******s.

  11. OMG!!!!!!!! The Toyota drivers eyes are starting to slant!! I'm so scared of the Japanese!!!!!! They are trying to take over America! Oh wait,the illegal Mexicans have already done that.  I'm going back to hide in the cellar now.

  12. Hey, supposed man of the 'cloth' or aka 'Dude' what's been up....dont answer!

    I'm not fearful of Toyota's or the Japanese. I'm just afraid of the people that actually own one and like it! Just wait until Chevy wins 70% of the chase races this year.

    Did you think this question up while waxing your Prius? Cause it's not old enough to wax.

    Dude, this one time, I went to a freakin' shoe factory in Taiwan for my-gods sake. Rode in a Maserati in Taiwan. The one and only Maserati in Taiwan mind you. Mr Chen's second car was a '78 Chevy Malibu! His wife drove a Mercedes. This was around 1987.

    The one thing that struck me as funny was 4 cops would ride in one Nissan Sentra but it wasn't called a Sentra! Anyway, That was there "police cruiser".

    Taiwan is an island 350 miles long by 50 miles wide. They have one golf course. They have one interstate that runs from the top to the bottom. All 350 miles. It feels like any highway in America except Every 20 miles or so the highway goes from 4 lanes to 10 lanes for a mile or so then back to 4. The reason is, those are emergency landing strips incase of a war! Yet...there's rest stops like every 30 miles. And they all serve ice-cream!!!

    BTW, this was a business trip.

  13. Thank you!  I think there was the same issue when Dodge returned to nascar.  They did really crappy the first year after their return and then kicked butt like Toyota is doing the second year and people complained.

    The world is not perfect nor is it fair and it will never be.  That is exactly the way sports and racing are.  However, it is human nature to have to have some sort of drama/conflict in their lives (or their sport) and if everyone could just sit back and enjoy racing there would be no drama or controversy which people are attracted to.  Just look at life as an example.

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