
Do ya'll know who ownsz el canal de panama?...?

by Guest56670  |  earlier

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Do ya'll know who ownsz el canal de panama?...?




  1. Panama got it back from the US in 2000 , I think.....

  2. Panamanian control effective at noon on December 31, 1999, and control of the canal was handed over to the Panama Canal Authority (ACP).

    Before this handover, the government of Panama held an international bid to negotiate a 25-year contract for operation of the Canal's container shipping ports (chiefly two facilities at the Atlantic and Pacific outlets), which was won by the firm Hutchison Whampoa, a Hong Kong-based shipping concern whose owner Li Ka Shing is the wealthiest man in China.

  3. The government of Panama owns it but it is leased and controlled by the Chinese government...a fact that very few people know here in the States know. I am uneasy about it and my fears were confirmed when the first thing they did was fire all of the panamanian workers and bring in all chinese workers. It was a stipend in the lease agreement. My concern is that it gives them control of a major nautical tool.

  4. The people from Panama own the Panama Canal.

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