
Do ya'll think McCain picked Palin so she can use the Boobie to get Dems to get cross the aisle?

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Do ya'll think McCain picked Palin so she can use the Boobie to get Dems to get cross the aisle?




  1. Absolutely.  Definitely not for the fact that she is a life time NRA member, a leader, a mother, a wife, or a hunter.  

  2. Speaking of b***s....

  3. She probably nailed down BJ Clintons' vote...

  4. No he picked her because she's diaper qualified

  5. That's sexist. I hope you didn't support Clinton, because that would make you even dumber.

  6. No, he pick her for her religious beliefs and is hiding it as if he pick it to get Clinton supporters.

  7. You not only look like a boob you sound like one as well.

  8. She looks very thin. I don't think she's the booby type. Have you seen Cindy?  

  9. Ahh the Obamnites are out in force. Isn't this the same question they were asking the Hillary supporters?

  10. Typical liberal-----do you really feel that's all women are good for?

    We "WILL" be heard----McCain/Palin'08

  11. no ,she'll use her head.

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