
Do yall see my other avatar?

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This is the link where you can find it. See I told you I had two avatars.

I think that all of you are wierd. You have no sense.

tantalisingteaser is my name. In the link, how did ya like the cute lil' babe? She asked the question and I answered it, and she didn't give me best answer!!!

Thats why I don't allow people to be my fans at all!

Yall make it hard on yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. And your question would be what??

  2. Words and word play ermmmmm

    Your relevance is?

    And if you speak to people like this I don't think they would want to be your fan

    Multiple accounts can also be seen as a means of point gaming and cheating. I wouldn't advertise the fact you have multiple accounts

    Good bye and Good Day

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This question has 2 answers.


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