
Do yo have to use MatLab for Linear Algebra?

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or does it simply make it faster? What exactly is Matlab like? Do you need to know a lil bit of programming to use it?




  1. If you are thinking of buying it (and aren't a student, so can't get it on the cheap), then I suggest you try Octave or Scilab (free) first. The octave language is almost identical to MATLAB and the m files are (mostly) compatible. By using MATLAB or octave you will learn some straightforward coding (which is extremely useful skill). If you want to avoid coding, you could try mathcad (however I believe the maximum number of equations is limited). Having said that, MATLAB is very useful, used extensively in industry and the help feature is very comprehensive. Searching for 'm files' online will help you determine the amount of programming required. You can do linear algebra by hand (depending on the matrix size), in excel, by using routines in any programming language, and on some calculators, but I would class MATLAB as the easiest.

  2. Matlab is a collection of high level utilities in a programming environment. Its several toolboxes gives access to thousands of specialized algorithms. These algorithms can be accessed in a script, thereby allowing rapid prototyping of your applications. As an example, if I want to solve A x = b, where A is an nxn matrix, it is as simple as "x = A \ b", or "x = inv(A)*b".

    Yes, you will need some rudimentary programming skills to write

    programs in Matlab.

  3. You don't have to use matlab, but it sure helps.  There are other programs out there that can do the job (Mathematica for example) but Matlab seems to be the favourite program for engineering students.

    You do need to know the basics of programming, matlab brings its own syntax and functions which you will need to learn if you want to use it.  Its like another programming language but focused around mathematics and simulation.  It can have toolboxes with graphical representations of signals etc.  I have used it to simulate the resonant cavity in lasers, electromagnetics, control systems, signal processing and just plain matrix transforms.

    I rate it pretty high but there is a steep learning curve at the start, particularly when learning about a new toolbox or how to simulate something from scratch.


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