
Do yo think im a good swimmer?

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i am a 14 year old girl, im 5'0 feet tall, and i only weigh around 80 pounds, so needless to say i have much room to grow and i can improve my times once i have a growth spurt.

i have been competitively swimming for 8 years and i am in the top 15 of my high school swim team.

i live in kansas where practically no one swims, so i dont have much competition.

here are my times:

50 yard free: 29.29

100 yard free: 1:07.23

those are my two main events.

feedback please?




  1. yes-go for it

  2. I think youre pretty fast. I just turned 12 really recently, in April, and my times are slower. I'm not really a freestyler. lol, my time is 32.32 for a 50 free, and my time for 100 is 1:12. Those are short course times, and from a month ago. I think i got faster, and i hope so, because I was moved up to a more advanced group and training is better. Here are my other times...

    50 back- 35

    100 back- 1:18

    50 fly- 36

    100 fly- 1:22

    50 breast- 45

    100 breast- 1:35

    200 free- 2:43

    500 free- 7:30 -.-'

    100 IM- 1:21

    200 IM- 2:56


  3. they are pretty decent time......... when you hit the growth spurt you'll probably be pretty good

  4. If you keep training, I think you'll do great. You'll get down to 1 :02ish area and 28 if you work on your strength and core training for sure.

    I'm 14 too, but in eighth grade:

    50 fr: 27.5

    100 fr: 59.7

    100 fly: 1:03

    100 back: 1:09

    200 IM: 2.26

    haha I'm a horrible breaststroker. I have like a 1:22.

  5. Those are some great times. If you continue to train, you'll be a great swimmer. I'm also a fellow swimmer as well and those two events are my main events to. But because I'm 16, my times are faster.

    50m Free= 26.74

    100m Free= 1:01.34

    Keep up the swimming and you'll do great!

  6. if you are going into highschool, your 50 time will probably drop. by going a low 29 im sure you are capable of bringing your 100 time down to atleast a 1:04. while theres not a lot of competition, it is hard to push yourself or know how you are doing. look up different state qualifying times and work for those, keeping very focused. good luck!

  7. Well I Am 12 And I Swim In Indiana... Those R decent times... My Coach Is Strict So By The Time Your 13 You Have B Under 1:00...

    My times

    50yd free 29.03

    100yd free 1:04.37

  8. Those times are great for your weight and height. You have a disadvantage though because of your weight because you have more leg musclue the hevier you are. I'm just like you, only I am younger. same height and weight, so I know how you feel. Keep with the sport and get more people swimming in Kansas!!!

  9. Well in the state of washington you'd be in state for your 50yrd Free. I believe... Atleast districts.  Your 50yard free is better then mine now though i stopped swimming for a number of years.

    Id say keep at it, Train right and you'll be really good.

  10. top 15 on your high school team?  how big is your team.  keep training - too early to tell

  11. You do pretty good times, but you won't make the Australian Age C'ships for either event. But you will make NSW State Age C'Ships. There will be plenty of room for improvement, talk to your coach.

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