
Do you 'believe' that mere humans cannot 'change' or 'affect' the Earth?

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If so, then why do we need a sewer system?

Why do we let the oil companies use our atmosphere and oceans,as cesspools?




  1. Yes I do, we need a sewer system so WE don't smell the products from our bodies that are in the sewers.

  2. because it can harm wildlife , get over it we cant change the earth

  3. Okay... We cannot change the *temperature* of the Earth. We're not quite God, but we can still harm the Earth of course. Just not its temperature...

    *Down with Big Brother*

  4. This has nothing to do with global warming.  If your serious - you need to ask HOW MUCH have humans changed the Earth with greenhouse gases.  Then you need to decide if you believe this (tiny!) change is responsible for enhancing the greenhouse effect.  Finally you need to decide if a slightly enhanced greenhouse effect is so BAD that private industries must be regulated by the government, a policy conveniently held by most AGW adherents.

    Government regulation of industry based on AGW is wrong, and a bad thing (not to mention unnecessary).

    There are SPECIFIC climate scientists who are NOT trustworthy: Schmidt and Hansen especially.  They have a great deal invested in their theories and are uninterested in physical reality.

    Hansen's personal website makes clear he doesn't do objective research, instead he "influences the nature of the measurements" in his own words.

    Science is about observing nature, not influencing it.

  5. I feel desperate to see how much ignorance is about here concerning global climate change, and how much people love to bury their heads in the sand. All the thumbs down won't change the facts.

    The fact is that we humans in the developed countries have already changed the atmosphere of our planet, and will continue to do so, even if we mended our ways immediately.

    CFCs have eroded the ozone layer, and CO2, and dust particles from our exhausts and chimneys are polluting the air, not only where we live, but globally. We managed to reduce acid rain considerably, but still there is way too much to be done.

    Unless people cop on to themselves and stop listening to those who have an interest in lying to them, our world is doomed, at least as far as the survival of humans is concerned.

  6. Of course they can.

    The vast majority of scientists agree that man is responsible for most global warming, and that the effects are serious.

    The vast majority of world leaders agree with the National Academy of Sciences (1800 of the Nation's best scientists, chock full of Nobel Prize winners):

    'The scientific understanding of climate change is now sufficiently clear to begin taking steps to prepare for climate change and to slow it. Human actions over the next few decades will have a major influence on the magnitude and rate of future warming. Large, disruptive changes are much more likely if greenhouse gases are allowed to continue building up in the atmosphere at their present rate."

  7. We can Change and affect the Earth itself but not with normal living, Global Warming is a HOAX

    We can change it fairly quickly with a few well placed Nukes though

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