
Do you Americans consider what affect your choice will have on the rest of the world when you vote?

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  1. Yes, to some extent. But I think one of the most important things we need to focus on right now is OUR economy.

  2. Well, we will have to do something sooner or later when your phone call comes for help, so i care a bit about who we have leading.  And I am concerned about the hate that some countries have for the USA and I want to vote for someone who will keep this country safe from hateful evildoers.  That choice will be McCain-Palin!  

  3. we stopped caring years ago what the rest of the world thinks of us.

  4. I do, absolutely. The whole world pays attention to who we elect, knowing that our choice could affect them as surely as us. A progressive voter, who has an eye for the future as well as the present and who truly embraces the concept of responsibility to his fellow man, will consider this when he goes to the polls. Unfortunately, not all Americans share this outlook.

  5. As a matter of fact no and I'm in favor of getting out of the U N and getting them off our shore.

  6. Yes, but it's not a deciding factor. I want the best candidate for America because a strong America means we can help the good people all over the world and oppose evil punks like Saddam. You owe your freedom to a strong America and should thank us, but you have not the sense or the class to do so.

  7. maybe if you kizz my azz i will give you my opinion? nuff input for you Sport?

  8. Not if they're republican LOL~!

  9. yes I do. I think about what an effect our tanking  does for other nations that depend on a strong US dollar. alot of other things.  

  10. What I want for my life and my family's lives is probably very different than what most of the world wants. With all due respect, I know that American foreign policy affects the world a great deal (since the US is the sole super power left on the international stage), but I have to live under this president, not look to my government to work with the American president. I just have very different priorities when examining a leader. I do look at foreign policy, but--again--I probably want something different than, say, someone in France does.

    To be more specific, I do look at how my choice will affect the rest of the world, but I don't consider the opinions of people in other countries.  

  11. No, I'm an American citizen; I don't worry about the rest of the world.  That's the problem with most of the government here; they worry more about other countries and less about our own economy etc.  

    This is why I love the McCain/Palin ticket... they have brought REAL change to the table.  

    Obama preached for 19 months about 'change' and he handed you all the old plate of D.C.   He is quoted as saying the change he is talking about is not in government but in him coming to Washington.  What a line of c**p!  143 days he failed those that voted him to the seat of the Senate.  He should be ashamed of his voting record... only casting 20%... sad. sad. sad.  Obama wants to be bedfellows with the rest of the world

  12. Well, I will say that the only area that we consider when thinking about the rest of the world in the elections coming up, is that we want a president with different foreign policy objectives, which is probably one of the few areas that will end up affecting others outside of the U.S. Right now, more than ever, that is a huge selling point for Americans in the upcoming elections.

    Other than that, we vote for OUR president, not a president for other countries. Unfortunately, we can't really control what the president does that affects other countries. Sometimes, we don't even hear about the things that our presidents do that affect other countries, unless it's something positive, or something that involves "combating the bad guys." They tend to be very sly about convincing the people that they are doing the right thing. An example: not only did they convince the American people that invading Iraq was the right thing to do, and gained plenty of public support for it, but they were completely sucessfull in convincing dozens of other countries to follow us in to Iraq. So for all the people out there who call Americans stupid for buying in to it, chances are, your country bought it too. I'm not saying that makes it acceptable in any way, but you see the point.

    Just like when you vote for your president/leader, you are voting for him/her based on what they can do for YOUR country, not other countries. Hopefully this makes some sense.

  13. We're Americans, we could care less what the rest of the world thinks.

    We know the world will talk about us, laugh at us, make fun of us - and ultimately CALL us...just as soon as the world is in trouble and needs our help.

    And we also know that when that call comes, we will answer it and we will be there and we will help.

    That's what we do.  We're Americans.

  14. Unfortunately the average American doesn't really think at all. They buy into emotional issues and words and believe what the talking heads on tv tell them. They have lost or never had the critical thinking ability to rationally and analytically make an educated vote.

    Just read the answers on this board and you will find most haven't a clue about the world around them or their views are skewed by their biases and or bigotry.

  15. I'm sure some of us do, depending on where our priorities lie but most don"t.

  16. Maybe you should worry about who you elect in your country and stop blaming all your problems on the worlds scapegoat, the U.S. We'll elect someone we want, someone that will work for our country, not the rest of the world.  

  17. When have Europe ever, I mean once, really helped America.  1779 France did not help us,  they used us because they were already in a war with Great Briton and need our help in fact.  Never can I say they have helped us.  Token troops  in Afghan and Iraq that we have to transport and feed (pay).  We don't need you.  You need us.  Today Europe kills our dollar, disrespect our troops and people.  You would be a colony of Russia were it not for us.  France SSR, East & West Germany SSR etc got the picture?   What would happen if Europe got into trouble and they got a busy signal when they call 911-USA?

  18. Yes, since we are not an isolationist country and have allies worth supporting.  I also follow UK political trends through news and internet friends, but of course primary concerns are how my vote is going to effect me as a US citizen.

  19. Maybe if half the world would pay us back for the money and lives  we invest so they can rebuild , have decent schools and infrastructure , they could then have an opinion. I think China is the only Country that actually wipes its own bum.

  20. In the first place, if you check it out, every country on earth owes us big time for loans made to the world. Pay us back, and we will be in really good shape.

    The world doesn't want us to meddle in their affairs; so, why does the world want to meddle in our affairs? So, no, it is no one's business except ours whom we elect.

  21. It does enter our heads that we need someone who has experience with the rest of the world. It also enters our heads that a lot of countries do not like us or don't seem to. We also know that when anyone needs help, wherever it might be, our country will probably be there among the first. We can't let other countries decide on our political path because they actually do not have the same path as we do. Most countries don't like it if we do something they do not agree with and maybe at times we would agree with them on some of the issues, but in the end we do tend to stick together in a crises and for our personal liberties and the good of the country. That is what makes America. We usually see our problems and try to do something about them internally even though it doesn't seem like it at election time.

    As for Britain supporting us in wars, we have supported yours also. Britain and America do not the whole world make.

  22. No, not really.

  23. I used to a heck of a lot.

    I really used to, because I know that whom we choose for president, does indeed affect much of the rest of the world.

    Then I started to really figure out what the rest of the world's opinion was of us.  Even pre Bush, and pre 9/11.  I learned that most of the world believes the U.S., and Americans in general, to be kind of the dumb, fat, idiots of the earth.  Arrogant, ignorant, fat, lazy, loud, Bible bangers, violent, gun toters, the list goes on.  I learned that there really is a kind of strong undercurrent of a real disgust of Americans, especially in large parts of Europe and elsewhere, especially Canada, which kinda surprised me.  They do not respect us, and generally, they just don't really like us.  It doesn't stop at the government level, as it usually extends to the people as well.

    So after taking this into consideration, I really started to not care.  I guess you could say the more I learned about the world around me and what they thought of us, the less I wanted to.  So in short, I'm done caring.  I cannot take into consideration, people who loathe us but are persistent in telling us to keep them in mind when voting for our president.

    I will be voting for Obama.  And honestly, I don't really care if that's who you like or not.  It's who I like.

  24. Not really...why should we?  The rest of the world doesn't much take our feelings into consideration, now, do they?

  25. I don't really care about the rest of the world. Last time I checked, we didn't have a one world government. They can live the way they want. I don't want higher taxes and that is what Obama is all about. We can't afford Obama.


    MCCAIN (no changes)

    Single making 30K - tax $4,500

    Single making 50K - tax $12,500

    Single making 75K - tax $18,750

    Married making 60K- tax $9,000

    Married making 75K - tax $18,750

    Married making 125K - tax $31,250


    (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)

    Single making 30K - tax $8,400

    Single making 50K - tax $14,000

    Single making 75K - tax $23,250

    Married making 60K - tax $16,800

    Married making 75K - tax $21,000

    Married making 125K - tax $38,750

  26. Yes, when McCain is in office, we will not have to worry about them coming over here on our own land and slitting our throats!

  27. Democrats do, Republicans just think about which country they are going to bomb next.

  28. I do not I consider the affect they will have on my country!

  29. Oh yes!  With Obama we might become a real country again!


  30. Nope

    When the rest of the world stops asking/whining  for help and then peeing on our leg when they don't need our help anymore we'll listen to the rest of the world.

    It would help if they would repay the monetary debt they owe us.

  31. I resisted reading the comments when I saw your replies to stupid remarks. I can say that a segment of America definitely considers the choice we choose as President and what impact it would have on the rest of the world. They are Latinos, Asians, Somalis, who are legal and illegal immigrants, African Americans, Floridians, Hawaiians including all of the coastal states of the U.S. California, and most of our western states. The east, like New Hampshire, Delaware even New York City and Michigan are all located in the cultural sphere of influence of Canada and the Mideast, if population is taken into consideration.  If you look on the map, I am pointing out to you the outer crust of the United States that is not insulated from other cultures and countries and have a tendency to be bi or tri-lingual.

    Much of the country is distressed with what we see from the Bush Administration.  We know he doesn't speak the "Kings" english, he is courteous but knows very little about diplomacy. He is not the most knowledgeable of Presidents and his listening skills are incomplete. We also know that he is long on rhetoric and short on solutions.  We have been put in embarrassing situations on more than one occasion by this President and he has not upheld the world class expectation of leadership, accountability and due process in the national and international community.

    The ones who hurl insult at your valid question are those who only see what is in front of them. They are the people who add to the embarrassment on the world stage as they try to defend the defenseless double standards of this administration. They know very little about power and influence, it is all self aggrandizement at the expense of others, in the name of patriotism. Please excuse America as we get ourselves together this election.


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