
Do you HATE teens and why?

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why does it seem everyone hate teens so much, and why?

do you not understand we are all not bad and you are ask questions if you wish to.




  1. its that i hate how teens act for attention, if ur a teen now TRUST me u will understand probly by 17 if ur mature maybe 19-22 for some people. its just really irratating how they go about trying to be funny and making things up and trying to come off as an adult, when clearly there are imature, and some are just dumb. its something we all go through, i did stupid things and said stupid things and made up stupid things too. ull get it one day

    EDIT: i dont hate them, i just get irrateted with them, some are not that bad

  2. i dont hate teens. i just hate the ones that make the bad choices and make the good choice makers look bad. i dont know why some people hate like all of the teens. but i think its cuz of all of the irresponsible teens. ya know like all of the teens who want to do drugs and alcohol. and the goin to get pregnant cuz they think it would be cool to have a kid. all of those teens are making all teens look bad. when there still are a lot of teens who are making the best of their lives and arent s******g up their lives with bad choices. this world is just taking a turn for the worst right now. and hopefully it will get better.

  3. well they prob. think ALL teens are dumb and stupid.....and that ALL teens do drugs and drink and stuff but most teens dont

  4. When they say things like I don't know what I'm talking about, then yes, I don't much care for that attitude.  I know full well what I'm talking about.  When teens don't respect authority, that means they need a good, old fashioned, spanking.

    It's not so much the teen's fault for all of this as it is their parents for not taking action.

    But for the rest of them, they are great.

  5. No, I do NOT hate teens at all. Teens are fascinating. I like their way of thinking, even though sometimes their lack of "initiative" of doing things is pretty low (at least in our household)

  6. dis is kind of a dum question omg ppl these dayz lol

  7. we don't hate teens, we are often annoyed by them and they can motivate you to wonder if you were ever that bad but we don't hate them.

  8. O don't hate them at all.

  9. They're just J-E-A-O-U-L-S of us. Or they think were all alike

  10. Ya I dunno I think that people shouldn't judge by age group. Sure there are a lot of bad teens. But, there are also a lot of bad adults. Hope this helped somebody. Ha ha.


  11. I don't hate teemagers at all.  I don't.  I'm 29 years old, and female, and I was a handful when I was in my teens.  When I a little older, I started seeing for myself how many teens are.  Teen years are the growing years, the rebel years.  The years where many of them feel invincible...

    They are determined to do what they want to do, consequence be damned, that includes respecting others.  That seems to be the biggest problem, respecting others, especially those who are older than they are.  They have an opinion, they don't give a c**p about anyone else opinion and they think they can say or so whatever they want without a care in the world.

    That's until they come across, people like me, who use to be one of them and I will cram it right back at them without a second thought.

    Teen years are the years where teens lack in respecting authority.

    So, when you're 29 years old like me, have MS, come across a 14 year old who doesn't know what MS is, only to know it's a disease and bluntly says, "You know I ****** your mother last night, right?  I hope you ******* die..." (which I have had one say that to me) - that doesn't exactly place them on my favorite people's list.

  12. It's easy to vilify teenagers. People who can't vote, can't work, can't do anything but suffer through school all day, then chafe under the pressure of constant external control and limitation at an age that was recognized as adulthood for pretty much the entire course of human history are people it's easy to put down.

    Laziness, acting out, and irrational thoughts (all the typical teen stereotypes) emerge as a product of not being able to take control and responsibility for your life in any meaningful way. On the one hand you're told you're old enough to know better, and on the other you're told to grow up. You're treated like children under the law, when biologically you're adults.

    The young are this generation's scapegoats. It's not politically correct to discriminate against black people, women, Irishmen, immigrants (unless they're illegal), or old people, and since the young have no rights, no legal status at all, and can basically do nothing to defend themselves, it's easy and convenient to blame on them all the ills of the world. It's meaningless, petty, and ignorant, but it's true. Prejudice never dies, it just finds new victims.

    It's like what Anne Frank said, about how what one Christian does is on him but what one Jew does is thrown back on all Jews. What one adult does is on him, but what one (or a small few) teenagers do is thrown back on all young people.

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