
Do you HAVE to have a ceremony for a purity ring?

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Is it required? Because I want a purity ring, but not necessarily a ceremony for it.




  1. Isn't it what's in your heart that counts, not a fancy ceremony?

  2. Studies show that people with purity rings are more likely to have s*x than people wearing chastity belts. A chastity belt is a special pair of underpants that lock on with a key and securely prevent intrusion into a v****a. So you are safely prevented from having s*x, even though you want to. You can give the key to your parents with instructions that they only allow you to take off the chastity belt if you need a medical procedure or need to m********e rather badly.

  3. Required by whom? Do what you want. It's a promise to yourself. I don't think you'll get arrested if you don't have a ceremony...and I don't think there's any biblical guidance, considering the trend started in the '90's.

  4. I've never heard of the ceremony, and it certainly isn't mandatory.  Our church had a bunch of people get purity rings and there was no ceremony!  Trust yourself and do what is important and meaningful to you, because this is between you and God.

  5. no you do not maybe just buy it with your parents and celebrate your choice over dinner. a purity ring is a choice and pledge you make to yourself and God to stay pure till marriage. and I might say I find it very commendable in a world where too many teens are having s*x and getting pregnant or stds or HIV.

    keep making choices that please you and your beliefs.

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