
Do you HAVE to look over your shoulder when changing lanes?

by Guest60277  |  earlier

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I know you can just use the mirrors, but sometimes it doesn't show a car that is very very close (blind spot). When I try to look over my shoulder, I lose concentration on going straight on the road. Is it required to look over my shoulder? Will the DMV people fail me at my driving exam?




  1. never take your eyes off the road in front of you in town. use you turn signals  check mirrors then move over slowly..

  2. Yes you need to sometimes check over your shoulder and no you will not fail, as a matter of fact the examiner will likely give you a better overall score for doing this, it will show him or her that you do understand the rules of the roads........

  3. Yes, you have to check your blind spot.  Failing to do so will make to fail your drivers exam not to mention could potentially cause an accident.  You should NEVER rely solely on your mirrors.

    Don't worry your a new driver, you'll get used to looking over your shoulder.

  4. Yes, you need to check over your shoulder when changing lanes.  How else are you going to check your blind spot ?  And if you don't check over your shoulder while taking your drive test, you will fail... guaranteed.  Never rely on mirrors alone... they show too small of a field of view.

  5. Yes it is a requirement to check both blind spots (behind your left shoulder and through the right-side rear window) to do well on your driving exam. I don't think you will necessarily fail the test if you don't check but it varies from state to state. At the least you will lose points.

    Also, in my opinion, you should learn how to do this without getting distracted or veering off the road. All it takes is a quick one second glance to ensure the road is clear and then you change lanes. It is easier at night because headlights will usually indicate the presence of a car in your blindspot so you don't have to check then.

  6. Absolutely.

    If you lose concentration maybe you shouldn't be driving.

    The first time I took my driving test my Dad said I should rely on my mirrors and should never have tgo look over my shoulder.

    The tester had me change lanes to the left, and I only used the mirrors, without looking. Then he had me do it again, and again and again. I don't remember how many times, but after the test he told me that every time I didn't look, he took off points. More than enough to fail.

    Next time I took it I passed easily.

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