
Do you HAVE to rinse each contact lens side for 5 seconds w/ the contact solution after taking out?

by  |  earlier

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Every contact solution I purchase seems to say that you must, after taking out your contacts, rinse each side for 5 seconds in the sink. To me, this is a huge waste of solution, and unless I can visibly see any specks of dust/dirt/etc., I don't find this step necessary.

However, I do change my contacts solution with every use. And there's usually fingerprints on my contacts from me trying to grab the contact out - is it just OK to put them in the lens case w/the solution ?

Or is it REALLY NECESSARY to rinse for 5 seconds when you have something small on your lens, like fingerprints?

Thank you!




  1. I don't, and the last time I saw my eyedoctor, I asked him what I should do after taking my contacts out. He said to put fresh solution in the case, and leave the lenses in overnight. Nothing about rinsing for 5 seconds.

  2. This is a very good question!

    Instead of rinsing the contact lenses you can put several drops of solution on them and gently rub them.  This is similar to using the solution to "spray" them off and is an important step in your lens care.  Think of it like washing your hands, part of the cleaning process is rubbing your hands together because you are actually removing some of the invisible germs that way.

  3. Yes, rinse and rub.  That's how you remove protein and dirt from your contacts.

  4. I don't and I have been wearing contacts longer than you have been living- it is a waste of solution--the only thing you must be careful of is to CLEAN your case every day--pour out the old solution once you put your lenses in and wash the case out and let it dry before you put your lenses back in it....if you leave solution in the case even a drop, and then just add more solution and your lenses, your lenses will be contaminated with the gunk that came off them and can breed bacteria.

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