
Do you HAVE to take out your contacts everytime?

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My Doctor told me to make sure I do not sleep with my contacts in which is fine because I am scared to death to do so. However now I am realizing that there are moments during the day where I may be sitting and watching t.v. and may dose off. I stop myself before I do and try to stay up because I don't want to have to go take out my contacts for a quick nap just to have to put them right back in.

I know I'm being lazy but, do you have to take them out if you feel you may fall asleep (while watching t.v., waiting, or just relaxing)?? Or is a quick "power nap" an exception? =)

FYI; I am wearing Bausch & Lomb PureVision 30day wear contacts




  1. These lenses are FDA approved for extended wear, meaning you can sleep in them:

    However, your doctor may have a very good reason for instructing you otherwise.  You should check with him about his reasoning for better understanding.

    That aside, if you nap in them, simply place a rewetting drop in your eye when you wake up to freshen them.

  2. You don't HAVE to, but you SHOULD listen to your doctor:)

    I wear contacts and skipping a night won't kill you.

  3. Call your eye dr. to double check but power naps should be okay...  (power nap is less than 1 hour right? - liek 15 minutes)

  4. I've slept in my contacts quite a few times at night, and I've never had a problem with it. Other than the fact that they can feel pretty dry. I have a cousin that puts his contacts in and then leaves them in for a couple of months without taking them out...which I think is crazy! lol

  5. i wear focus dailies, and i do take power naps with my contacts in.  the worst thing that has happened is that they are a little dry after, but nothing serious.

    as long as youre not sleeping for a long time (i'd say 3 or more hours) you're fine.

  6. You can sleep or nap with your contacts in.  I have done it several times and never experienced any problems.  I wear a purevision toric in my left eye and my right eye does not require correction.  The only thing I noticed is that my eye would be really dry when I woke up.

    If I slept in the contact overnight and still want to wear it afterward, then I remove the lens and soak it in solution/saline for a few minutes before putting it in again and put drops in my eye as needed.  If you do not need to wear it afterward, then clean and store it as you normally would.

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