
Do you I agree with me when I say this? (based on life)

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If you could have lived the 90s over again would you do it? h**l i know i certainly would, only thing good about the years we live in now is the technology and cars,other then that,look at the 90s and compare it to our lives now,more and more people are losing their homes,gas prices were never this high,crime rates and loved ones were still alive. employment oppurinities were more fair. women and men relations were less drama,music had more sense and more meaning,politics and media didn't have much negative energy racism died down for a while kids weren't into drugs as much as these years. is there more you can think of and have a comparison from our years now and the 90s?




  1. I agree.  I also think that there was much less sexualization of young teens.  Just look at this site.  I just answered a question by a 13 yr old, asking, "Am I hot?"  What's next?  A nine year old wondering if they're s**y?  These poor kids today!  I'm so glad I grew up when I did (80's and 90's).  No wonder they're doing drugs!  They're so stressed out about all the pressure on to be skinny, to be s**y, to have perfect hair.  It's awful.

  2. No way.

    I love today's technology, the fact that almost everyone has computer and internet and a cell phone and everything else.  Clinton was in office then, too, so that's a big negative.  The music sucked, big time, honestly the 90's were horrific for me.  

  3. 1990's for me n mine were a nightmare.So i didnt notice anything great about it.

  4. People who live in the past generally are afraid to compete in the present. I've got my faults, but living in the past is not one of them. There's no future in it.

    Sparky Anderson quote

  5. Yeah I will tell you why. 1. the music on MTV were actually good 2. Beavis and Butthead were still on T.V. 3. Gas prices were under a dollar at times. 4. Some of my family members were still alive. 5. People were a bit smarter. 6 Sam Kenison was still alive. 7. Computer Animation was Young. 8. Chris Farley was alive. 9. SNL was funny. 10. There wasn't anything about "Going Green". 11. Johnny Carsion was still on T.V. 12. Jay Leno just started on T.V. 13. Seinfeld was on T.V. 14. Only people with imporatant Job's had cell phones. 15. Not a lot of people had the Internet.

  6. i flippin loved the 90's but there never comin' back =/

  7. I would rather go back to the 60's,   when I still had hair.

  8. I would not mind having the 90's over again, mostly because I know things now that I would like to do better than I did the first time through.

    I think most people would like to correct a few things, or at least do different things. Now how great or bad the 90's were I think partly depends on how well we personally were able to meet our challenges, not much about how we imagine the rest of the world might have been. If we had the 90's to do over, we can not be confident that the rest of the world would have been the same, because other people would now be so much wiser, would deal better or different with their challenges.

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