
Do you Judge if a Woman Decides she WANTS to do the "woman" chores and fulfill that role?

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What if you just want to be in the house, share an equel relationship w/ ur husband, and yeah sometimes have those "b*** get me a beer..." Moments and yet you still do is that frowned upon?

And also why can't we be unequal???? Why can't men be better than women at some things and visa versa? Is that not ok for us to be different... I believe men and women balance eachother out. Men are warriors and fighters inside, women are the fought for. Women want to unveil beauty, be part of an adventure and be romance... guys want to rescue the beauty, have a battle to fight and KNOW they are good enough...

What's wrong w/ that? What's wrong w/ any of that?




  1. I agree. They may say that it is fine and they don't judge but the thumbs down proves them wrong. Believe me, I know.

    Just watch the thumbs down grow below....

    EDIT @ Hunsbuns: I have read Captivating! It is soooo good! I love it! I would recommend it to every woman.

  2. Nope, fine by me. My mom was a homemaker/housewife, I have nothing but respect for her. I just chose a different life, is all.

    As for your second question, I think it's ok to admit that men and women have GENERAL differences. For instance, yes, men are GENERALLY better suited for fighting. But if a woman wants to fight, and is capable of it, then she should be allowed that opportunity. And likewise, if a man wants to be the one who "unveils beauty" and "seeks romance", he should be able to be himself without being looked down on. There's nothing wrong with letting gender roles exist as a general thing, it's only wrong when people who feel more comfortable in another role are not allowed the freedom to be the people they want to be.

    Edit: Let me reiterate: I don't see anything wrong with wanting to be the kind of woman who is soft, delicate, sought after, wooed, fought over. But is it so hard to believe that not every woman wants to be that way, or even has it in herself? The problem I have is not with being a certain kind of woman, it's with being forced into that role whether it comes naturally to me or not. Please keep in mind, I am not the stereotypical "hear me roar" feminist, either. I'm a PERSON. I don't fit neatly into either of the roles you're talking about. And what, exactly, is so wrong with that? For that matter, what's so wrong with a woman who feels more comfortable playing the role of the knight in shining armor? Can't we all just be ourselves?

  3. Nothing at all. I completely agree.

  4. Men and women have in reality always been far from equal-- nothing has changed yet.

  5. First, Im an evolutionist so Im cool with the follow your instincts thing.

    Second, we live time when we can ignore all of that if we like.

    So I would say break it down to monetary value. Look at what needs done around the house and make a list. Take the list and google each item for its average hourly rate if hired out to be done.

    For instance look up maid service and lawn care. If one of you can change oil in cars that’s worth 29 bucks at speedy lube! Minus the oil and filter of course we are only looking for labor cost.

    Any way, you get the point. You can prorate this with each of your wages and you have found a binding way to balance your relationship.

    The funny part is this is also a legally binding way to set things up for your inevitable divorce. Just kidding, it was too funny not to say.

  6. Please understand - It's not that women 'should' be a cretain way or 'should' have a certain role in relationships.... It is that women have (and should always have) the 'choice' to be whatever and whoever they chose to be!

    Although, I do feel that women are still in general more eager to please men than men are to please women, and because many men still prefer submissive wives, many women still play that role. Not because they want to but just to please a man. Sad! But whatever that's their life. My partner is comfortable enough in his own ego to let me be and do whatever I want in life.

  7. I do the "woman" jobs because that puts me in control of the house.

    He gets his own beer though!

    I'll not be his slave!

  8. A woman who's worth fighting for won't make you fight for her.

  9. Gosh I just don't see being called a 'B' as romantic.

  10. I believe that both sexes can do things for eachother without being called outside of their names (i.e. b***h). I hate the notion that women are just little fragile flowers that need to be taken care of. I hate the idea that we're constantly getting ourselves in trouble and don't have the common sense to get ourselves out of a jam. (Which is NOT true)

    My man tells me he loves me, that's all I need; he doesn't need to go out and fight for me, he could lose his job and I could be the sole provider and that would be okay, he doesn't need to profess his love to me by fighting some other guy off that might *gasp* steal me away from him. Come on.

    EDIT- Sorry, I'm not a trophy to be won. You can't FIGHT for my affections

    Rebel Man- *claps*

  11. Well the only problem that I have with your statement is that you're making the assumption that it is "natural" for all women.

    If it happens to be something that a woman wants, more power to her. If it's not what a woman wants in a relationship, that is equally her right.

  12. ....and I'll bet you wrap yourself up in saran wrap (with saran "bows" at strategic spots) just to meet your husband at the door when he comes home from work.


  13. Lets see Honsbunstonsoffun; is it? I don't judge a women who decides she wants to play a traditional role in a mans life but I am tired of them judging me for not wanting it. My husband and I play beer b**** for each other but it is done jokingly.  I really wouldn't want him to seriously mean it.

    You can be unequal to a man but I can be equal. Some men are better at things and some women are better at things.  Each person is allowed to be different but personally I have an issue with it being based on my gender. So women (in your opinion) want to be fought for, beautiful, part of an adventure? and a romance?  What is she really doing?

    Nothing is wrong with that... What is wrong with not wanting that?

    Do you judge if a women decides she wants to do more the the women chores or that she simply has a larger role to fill in her life then that?

  14. No, I don't. However, I do just her if she tries to guilt me into doing the same thing. I certainly don't want to be rescued.

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