
Do you Like Ice Skating or Tennis Better?

by Guest60647  |  earlier

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Well, My Aunt wants me to be in classes,

The choices are Tennis or Ice Skating.

Which should I chose?




  1. I would definitely choose ice skating.

    I began playing tennis on Saturdays

    but then decided to enroll in ice skating

    lessons which was also on Saturdays, and

    I chose ice skating over tennis. It's a lot of

    fun and great exercise! You learn a lot of

    really cool tricks and if you go ice skating

    with your friends, you will know how to

    skate well.

    It's just my opinion, but ice skating is really fun!

  2. I definetly like them both. I used to play Tennis in the summer and skate during the school year.

    I like skating better.. but thats just me, I can't pick for you because only you know whats right for you.

    All I can recommend is to go to a public skating session and skate around a bit, and go play tennis at a local park with some friends, then see which one you like better.

    Or just try one, and if after a while you don't like it, switch.

    Best of luck choosing!

    there both awesome sports

  3. they both suck

  4. I would do ice skating.

  5. You should choose the one you think you will enjoy doing!  Have you tried playing tennis or going out to skate before?

    You are asking this in the ice skating section - so more people are going to tell you to go for skating here . . . ask this in the tennis section and of course they will say tennis.  

    If you like a "game" type sport where you are "playing" against someone, tennis may be for you.  

    If you like an "individual" type sport where you can be athletic yet "artistic" by incorporating music and dance - and eventually "performing", ice skating may suit you better.  

    I've taken both.  Tennis just wasn't my thing and I wasn't coordinated enough to ever serve correctly either - ha!  

    But when I first started skating, I was totally motivated more than anything I've ever tried . . . I was instantly hooked.  Go for the sport that grabs you . . . and when you really love it, you'll excel in it!  

    Best of luck choosing!

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