
Do you Live as whats thrown at you you. or do you think about the future?

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Do you Live as whats thrown at you you. or do you think about the future?




  1. Future.. yea you know..

    I'm to good to be crazy..

    Sigh.. i may need me some crazy pills..

  2. I take whats thrown at me and break it in 2...

  3. I live with whats thrown at me, but can't help but think of the future.

  4. You have to be flexible enough to do both - look toward the future and PLAN, but be able to "fall back and punt" when things don't go as you plan (and they will - lots)

  5. I think first you got to deal with the immediate present.. but it's never wrong to have dreams for the future.. and to set yourself goals for the future.. but the present has to be dealt with first.. as this is important for now.. you don't live with what's thrown at you.. but you have to find the best way to deal with what life throws at you.. sometimes that's good stuff and sometimes you have to deal with injustice... all that will help for the future if you can learn to deal with the present.. whatever it is.. if live is like a rollercoaster ride.. it has it's ups and downs all the time.. and when you are down..  you just have to learn not to be defeated.. to find a way out of this.. to learn from mistakes. to learn to deal with some unfairness.. to believe in yourself at all times and you come out a stronger and also a more compassionate person... and you learn from what happens today.. for tomorrow. because tomorrow today will be yesterday but it's still a part of your life you should life for every moment.. good or bad.. it all has a purpose somewhere even if it's just for us to know we none of us are perfect and we should not strife to reach perfection but we shoud strife to be the best that we can be at all times... and to learn from mistakes... x

  6. You should almost always have the future in your mind.  The decisions that we make on a daily basis are the very ones that form our future.  Of course there is always time for fun and games but you must always have your future somewhere on your mind.  Throwing caution to the wind too much could possibly lead to a life where you live a life each day throwing caution to the wind and never caring about anything and never amounting to or having anything.  There should always be a healthy mixture of fun, but always remember that your decisions always reflect your future.

    Peace & Love :)

  7. a little bit of both

    it depends on wats going on in my life and how its going on

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