
Do you Obama supporters really want to question a women who has more executive experience than him?

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Do you Obama supporters really want to question a women who has more executive experience than him?




  1. Executive experience are you kidding me.The entire state of Alaska barely has a population of  683,000 people!!!! An L.A. suburb  has a higher population than that, what a joke. Imagine McCain passes on,would you really think she can handle over 300 million people.Plus Natural disasters that happen every year,and god forbid anymore terrorists attacks.

    Just hearing her speak this morning reminded me of that  embarrassment Katherine Harris..ehhh

    Anyone who says she  has more executive experience is just completely delusional.


  3. I saw the stats. You're wrong.

  4. but she is just alaska and cloistered life of deer hunting and beauty pageant....obama, although inexperienced in executive branch is a man exposed to all kinds of walks of life and lived with many ethnic  and social groups, harvard graduate, knows mainstream politics and stuff. lived in hawai, indonesia, kenya, chicago, washington, etc.

  5. I want to tell you and everyone else here something Mama Zenbach told me growing up. "Don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house."

  6. Yes.  She got most of her political experience in a town with 6,700 people... get real.

  7. 20 months as governor vs. 8 years as a senator?

    Obama has more experience, and I'm not going to be suckered into thinking she was a good pick just because she's a female.

  8. Yes, I do.  Executive experience is overrated.  George W. Bush had executive experience as well, but his terms in office were embarassing.  Obama has much more experience as a community organizer and public servant than Palin.

  9. Yes.

    mccain has virtually insured that obama will win the election since most conservative males are closeted homosexuals and misogynists that hate/fear women and will never vote for john knowing that would put a female vp one heartbeat from being president!

  10. Just wait until the big debates......she will look SOOO DUMB compared to Biden.

  11. Not an Obama supporter here, but:

    I don't see how her "executive" experience being a mayor of a small town, and the governor of a low-population state can prepare her for the complexities of dealing with National and World issues, should she need to.

    Obama may not have a lot of years in the Senate, but he serves on some important committees and has the experience of dealing with difficult issues.  What experience does she have dealing with national military strategy, or intelligence issues?

    On the economy, she's coming from a state flush with oil money, to a nation over $10 trillion in debt.  The national economy is way more complex than Alaska's.

    I don't know much about her, or Alaskan politics, and she may be political-savant, but on the face of it, her "small time" experience just doesn't pass the huh? test.

  12. Why not? Did you see the video of McCain's VP pick shooting an assault rifle, it had something to do with her being in the NRA. Apparently, if she didn't go to Ohio to be with Mccain, she was going to go Caribou hunting.

  13. I don't want another president based on his political experience...that is just mumbo jumbo for "ALREADY SOLD OUT" So let some new blood that has experience that matters...seeing what hard times does to a family...seeing how difficult it is to make it as a single mom...knowing first hand what it is to have to earn it yourself, not have it handed to you.  

    These rich, out of touch, scripture spewing fakes won't give a darn about any of us...unless you can pay them the big money.  

  14. Sarah Palin's inexperience would not be such an issue if McCain had not made experience the most important issue in this election. I can't think of any reason (at least one that doesn't sound ridiculous) why someone would believe that experience is such a complete game-changing issue for president, but just a minor nit in the VP selection.

    And if "executive" experience is what's important, McCain should step aside.  He's not qualified.

  15. They need to be careful because it is looking more and more like they have a problem with strong women. First Hilliary gets hammered by them and now they are starting on Palin.  

  16. She has more executive experience then anyone on the two tickets!

  17. Yes I will question the experience of Mrs. PTA.  Just how well do you expect the phrase "Hockey Mom" to play in Texas and Ohio. Last time I checked the NHL is barely on television.

  18. OF ALASKA.....big deal.......seriously, McCain is toast

  19. Bring it on neo-con. Obama doesn't rely on bumper sticker politics like the Republicans so he'll be fine. The problem is most of you people aren't mentally advanced enough to understand an intelligent speaker so that's why you only bash Obama for his middle name, his brother, his "pastor", his skin color, his popularity(which proves how stupid you are, he's popular for a reason), his speaking ability, etc.....You can't hang when it comes to issues. This is why nobody in the country respect you people. You're extremists/radicals. The rest of the country laughs at you.

  20. Shhhh.... It's funny watching them implode with all the hypocrisy they are trying to expel. and if they get wise they might stop entertaining me.

    The more they scream the more obvious Obama's short comings become.

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