
Do you PEE in the SWIMMING POOL?

by Guest61964  |  earlier

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Do you PEE in the SWIMMING POOL?




  1. yes

  2. yes, especially when im drinking, and i dont even have to be IN the pool.

  3. I did three times the last time I was in there. I couldn't help it.

  4. of course.

  5. If I have to!

  6. ewww, NO!!! Gross... LOL...

  7. no i dont cuz i dont swim..hehehehehe

  8. I always feel like someone is watching me when i pee in the pool. But I do it anyways.

  9. no it's gross

  10. remember next time you swim how many people have peed in there i think no

  11. its one of my favorite  things to do!  hot tubs are cool, too!

  12. No that's gross. Even if the water has chlorine in it it's still nasty. I get out of the pool and go to the bathroom to pee.

  13. wen i was small i used 2....... but not any more!!

  14. No that is just gross.

  15. yuck no way!!!!!!!!!!

  16. lol. i made a sign in front of my pool that says "Welcome to my Ool notice it is an ool it has no P in it. keep it that way."...the answers no.

  17. Doesn't everyone?

  18. being in the water just makes people pee. lol, it's very normal

  19. if not caught

  20. It isn't encouraged as its not hygenic.

  21. if its not my swimming pool

  22. no, but i once farted in the sis was in the pool too when she saw some bubbles floating up behind me

  23. never, do you?

  24. when i was little..and now it just seem so gross

  25. Yes.I don't know why I just can't resist.If I gotta to go I'm too lazy to go so I just do my business in the pool.Unless it's #2!

  26. I think 95% of the people in a public pools p**s in them?

  27. I aint never going in a swimming pool again after readin most of these answers.

  28. I get out of the pool and act like I need to get to another part of the pool, then I pee, then get back in to rinse.

  29. no i don't.  only in bathroom

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