
Do you PREFER actual typed out RECIPES.. or LINKS

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when you ask for a recipe or idea here in Food & Drink? I find that I like links because people have sent me some GREAT ones that I didn't know about.

What's your preference, generally speaking??




  1. links, because i don't trust peoples typed up recipes

  2. I would rather get the link when the person has several to share and get the recipe when they are sharing just one.

    I like when the recipe is a genuine recipe that people actually use, not the recipes that have tons of ingredients that have to be bought special for one dish.  (maybe my cooking is to basic).

    I would hate to have to  go to each link though. I do like when they include the link in case I want to browse other similar recipes

  3. Hmm, GNERALLY, I guess I want the recipes.  Unless it's a specific recipe that someone found for me on the 'net, then a link is fine.  But generally, if I ask for recipes, I want recipes, not links.  

    Some people post links that try to install junk on your computer, so I'm wary.

  4. I prefer links.  I will not read real long answers, and I don't' trust typed recipes.  I would rather look at the link for sure.

  5. If I'm looking for a recipe that I don't have I'll visit a cooking site or google the recipe.  

    I post recipes that I have on hand and indicate whether I've actually made the recipe or not.  I post links to recipes, if I've tried the recipe.  I have "cookbooks" or saved recipes on a couple of sites.  If I've made it I have a hard copy filed in a notebook with the web link, posting the link saves typing.

    I post links when someone asks one of those "Do you know any good sites ...?" type questions.  I often refer YA members to good web sites that I've discovered.

    I've learned the hard way not to click on links.  But I don't mind people posting them because if there's a link to a particular recipe that means it has to be on the web and I can find it myself.

    Occasionally, I've come across recipes posted here  and elsewhere on the internet that I know from experience are wrong and won't work. But on the other hand, here is where I found the found the recipe for an old fashioned mayonnaise chocolate cake that I'd lost years ago.  Dh and I went nuts and ate the whole thing.  Oh well.

  6. Either / Or so long as the person providing the info has actually tried it

    somebody typed out the information in the links and more than likely has not reviewed it since, so I am sometimes more leery of those.   But common sense is needed in either case to decide if something was omitted, misstated, or to modify it for my tastes

    cooking is an adventure and I really appreciate getting a recipe I have not tried or heard of

  7. I prefer links but typed is fine too.I just want recipes that have been tried and you love.I don't want just any recipe.I can find those.

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