Hi I am Mother of a 3 1/2 yr old little girl. I have been at home with her this whole time. (LOVE IT) I know that it is about time to put her into a preschool at least part time for social reasons and to prepare her for Kindergarten. But every school I go into I find something wrong with it! I cant feel comfortable with any of them and I want to make sure that she is safe, loved, tought, as any parent does. But I feel that most of the workers in there are just people off the streets that just come in for a job, they have no Early Childhood eduation degree. All that is provided for them is training on the job and a few works shops. Its like Kunkucty Fried Day care. Do you guys have any asuggestions? or is this normal what I am feeling? I just could live with myself if anything were to happen to her there.