
Do you Parents have a really hard time.....?

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Hi I am Mother of a 3 1/2 yr old little girl. I have been at home with her this whole time. (LOVE IT) I know that it is about time to put her into a preschool at least part time for social reasons and to prepare her for Kindergarten. But every school I go into I find something wrong with it! I cant feel comfortable with any of them and I want to make sure that she is safe, loved, tought, as any parent does. But I feel that most of the workers in there are just people off the streets that just come in for a job, they have no Early Childhood eduation degree. All that is provided for them is training on the job and a few works shops. Its like Kunkucty Fried Day care. Do you guys have any asuggestions? or is this normal what I am feeling? I just could live with myself if anything were to happen to her there.




  1. Look for a program through a local church....they usually call it mother's morning out, although you will still find that some of the "teachers" are simply people looking for a job, generally speaking these programs are filled with people who genuinely love to be around kids.  

    There is no rush to put your child into a daycare....

  2. Keep her with you. There's absolutely no reason she should have to go to preschool. For most people, preschool is just free daycare, and does nothing positive for the kids. (The possible exception being if your daughter was very into the idea and you could find a quality one, which doesn't sound like it's the case.) Even if you plan on sending her to school eventually, it might be helpful to check out local homeschooling groups for support and community in keeping your young child with you.

  3. I was the same way, I'm not really a religious person, but I put my 4 year old girl in a private christian preschool. They were very understanding and totally made sure I was completely comfortable with her preschool class. I was so worried about all the other preschools, that had too many kids and not enough adults. I went with a smaller, more comforting preschool. They invited me to stay the whole day on her first day to see what they do on a daily basis. That was very reassuring. Go with your gut. Don't let them tell you how it is, you tell them how it is. You have every right to feel like that. I spent 4 days calling and talking with people at several different preschools. And she has been going to school for 7 months now and is learning so much, she's very happy and excited about school, she is so much more social and speaks her mind. She use to be sooooo shy. Also, when she does go to kindergarten, it won't be so difficult for her to be away from you. But for you it might, I still miss my baby when I  walk her into preschool and she takes off running in excitment forgetting to give me a hug or kiss.

  4. Your just a little overprotective, its good, but you should slowly let her go, in the future, the overprotectiveness, will annoy her alot, like it does to me still... im 14 and parents still like question me too much

  5. NO your just a worried careing mother.

    If you want child care dgree workers etc you have to spend big$$$$$ on private daycare.

  6. You daughter is beautiful, and I respect your decision to stay at home because being a mother is the single most important job anyone can have. Cherish the time and the socialization will come with time. Mabey just signing her up for extra curricular activities like "Mommy and Me Music" classes would give her some socialization with you being right there-or you could work at a daycare and take her with you.

  7. I have 7 kids and my wife is pregnat with our eighth.

    The 6 of our kids that are in elementary, jr.high and highschool were all home-schooled for pre-school. It's the easiest thing to do right now. It'll be easy for you and you'll get to see your daughter.

    My youngest is the same age as your daughter and in the fall we are starting up our pre-school program again.

    Just home-school her for pre-school years and get her involved in a activity to get social!

  8. There is no reason at all to put her in any preschool - if you are okay still having her at home with you, wait til Kindergarten.

  9. They *are* just people off the street.  they're not necesssarily bad people, but you don't have any way of knowing who you're really handing your kid over to.  Seriously, you don't have to put her in preschool at all, or even kindergarten for that matter.  There are plenty of better ways for a child to socialize (playgroups, library reading hours, playgrounds, music groups, homeschool groups, friends' kids, family members, classes of every type).  Trust your gut.  She's YOUR baby and YOU get to decide who gets the awesome responsibility of caring for her.  I really don't understand how so many parents can trust total strangers with their children.  If you can afford it (and it's definitely worth giving up a lot of things for), then I recommend keeping her at home as long as  possible.

  10. find some other way for her to be social. Put her in swimming, find a playgroup with similar ages children, get a group of mums together and go to a park regularly. There are other ways to socialise your child.

  11. I have four children of my own and every time I felt the same way as you did. It is normal to feel this away, you are her mother and that is what mothers do, and when you leave her there,you will find your self walking out crying your eyes out. Been there 4 times already. Preschool is good for the child if the child is ready for it. you can stay there if you want to or you can check in any time and you do not have to let anyone know that you are coming. these teachers at preschool are quilified to teach children at these ages because all they have to teach them are the bases of abc's and 123's and color's and a few shapes and read stories to them and they also play games and have playground time. Every child is going to hurt their self but it is noone's fault thou, you can not stand beside them for the rest of their life because you are afraid they will get hurt or something, you have to let their hand go sooner or later because if you don't then honey that child is going to feel trapped by mommy and that child will never learn how to make friends more less have friends and that child will never know how it feels to be dependant on herself. you will find every school something wrong with it, I did also but you have to pick a school and let her go learn. she will be ok and happy that you did. My little boy was so happy that he picked his own back pack and clothes out and hit the bed by 7 every night. yes they will get hurt as in fall or something like that but every child does that just about any where. I would not put that child into no private school because I have seen alot of children that was put into private schools then later on went to public and they where so far behind of what the real public schools was in , like this one child she was in kindargarden and she was put into public school and they had to test her and her test showed that she was way behind that she only knew things that preschoolers knew and no more, it was rough on her but she ended up being held back twice just to learn what the pulic schools was learning, so no I totally disagree on any kind of private school or church centers, preschool is the best choice and if she is ready then that is wonderful but if she isn't then since you are a at home mom them I would take her to the park durning the day because there are alot of mothers that take their 3 and 4 year olds to the park. talk to her alot and sing the abc and 123 and color song with her, that helped my kids alot. good luck.

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