
Do you People think Breast feeding is old Fashioned or not?

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Just wanted to know what if Breast milk is still best or Bottle Milk, as there have been many queries of this Topic. Breast Milk or Bottle Milk"




  1. Sure it's old fashioned...that's what makes it so wholesome and perfect!....No modern additives and preservatives and chemicals.

    Good stuff for babies!

  2. I don't think that breast feeding is old fashioned at all. I think it is very beneficial to the child and that if a person is capable of doing so they should. Breast milk is definitely a better source of vitamins and minerals than a formula. Though there are understandable cases of formula feeding such as; adoption, b*****s run dry, or milk allergies with a child.

    Breast is best.

  3. Old fashioned??? I wonder where that terminology came from.  I guess it is old fashioned since people have been doing it since Adam & Eve.

    Which one is better something from your Mom or from some random cow?  Any woman who can should, it just so happens that it's not so easy (as with me) so I understand using formula but it's simply not the best choice.

  4. Breast milk is said to provide better immunity to the baby in early life. Also said to reduce breast cancer in women by up to 50%. I recommend breastfeeding, especially during the first few months of the babies life. (if it's possible to do so for the mother).

    Personally I breastfed for 3 weeks with my first, before she was getting more blood than milk. (which was horribly painful). Took a break, and went for another 3 weeks, and then my supply just wasn't enough.

    With my son, I breastfed for 3 months, and quit ( honestly for no reason other than convienience...which I don't like knowing looking back).

    This one is due Dec.26th, and I have decided I will breast feed for at least untill she gets teeth (that really freaks me out, and I'd imagine would be terribly painful once they have teeth....I don't know though. I don't have anyone to ask about that). So I'm shooting for 6 months with this one.

    While breast feeding seems to have positive benifits. I don't think bottle feeding is negative. The nutrients are very similar now days, the only negative personally was the transition from breast to bottle. Our son seemed to have an upset tummy for the first week or two, but thats normal.

  5. Breats milk is best for baby if mommy is eating right and not consuming alcohol or doing drugs. My son didn't have any stomach problems, gas, constipation or anything until he was switched from breast milk to formula.

  6. I breast feed and I am of the traditional style of parenting.  Call me old fashioned if you want but actually breast feeding is more taboo now.  I felt it was the right decision for my baby to breast feed.  My oldest didn't take to the breast so he was bottle fed and he's a bright little boy.  I wouldn't call breast feeding old fashioned in my opinion.  It's just recently began to make a big comeback.  

    I don't see anything wrong with moms who choose bottles over breast though.  It's their choice and sometimes for medical reasons you cannot breast feed.

  7. I think it is definately "out of style"....which is very sad, since breast milk is so healthy for baby and mother.  There are so many benefits that you'd think people could get past their insecurities.

  8. Breast feeding isn't "old fashioned," at least I don't see it that way. Infants get their immunity from their moms via breastmilk. That's why so many people feel so strongly about it.

    I don't think that there is anything wrong with bottle feeding, and for many there really isn't an option one way or another, for whatever reason.

    That being said, I can't think of a single reason why it would be "bad" to breast feed, or "better" to bottle feed.

  9. From a medical perspective, breast milk is usually the best.  I certainly think that, if it's practical, breast feeding is a better idea.  It's not always possible due to medical issues, for example, but it's the best idea when possible.  The Ladies in my life have breast fed all our kids.

  10. There is nothing wrong with breast feeding.   It's a great way for the mother and baby to connect.  Check out this site that can give you more info since I don't have a baby...yet.

  11. Breast feeding proves over and over again to be better for babies. "Old fashioned" or not, a baby's health should come first.

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