
Do you REALLY believe in "diversity"?

by  |  earlier

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Liberals and HR departments all across America LOVE to tell everyone how much they support "diversity".

HOWEVER.... I don't see ANY of them giving up their jobs so "minorities" can advance to key levels in organizatoins. I don't see ANY of them pulling their kids out of college so minority kids can get a "seat" in a college class room.

It seems "diversity" is fine.... so long as THEY don't have to personally give up anything.

WHAT SAY YOU? Do you think "diversity" is REAL?

Have you ever been in a meeting where some one said "What we need is a black man's opinon" or a "L*****n's" opinion....

"Embracing diversity" literally makes no sense to me. You?




  1. well diversity is not about people giving their jobs up for someone else.... we all have bills to pay regardless of race/gender/sexuality etc. its about being open to everyone,. if a job comes up the best person shud get it, regardless of background etc. i think on the outside diversity exists but i still beleive people miss out coz of discrimination but you can never prove it

  2. Actually.............. Yes!!! i do work for an organisation that constantly promotes diversity........... But!! hear what your saying ............... howeva its kinda different in my experience!!!!

    I'm not black or g*y but have mixed raced children, a black partner and many lesibian friends.... so would consider myself very diverse by nature!!!

    what my argument is......... what about the white minority and mental health endured by human race??????????? so where or how does diversity constitute there????

  3. well just because you support diversity doesnt mean your life should be interrupted.

  4. have you heard of affirmative action?  Many large corporations such as one I worked for, promoted lesser employees because of race or s*x.  There are plans in state schools that accept certain ethnicities with far less SAT or ACT scores, on grants or even scholarships...

    do your research. the statistics are unbelievable.  Reverse discrimination is becoming the problem to talk about

  5. Yes, I believe in diversity. Can you imagine everyone driving the same cars, eating the same foods, wearing the same clothes, listening to the same music, liking the same movies? Not me.

  6. No offense, but if I was ever in a meeting and said "What we need is a black man's opinon" or a "L*****n's" opinion"... I'd probably be looking for a new job at the end of the day, upon being fired for racism...

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