
Do you REALLY care about the environment or do you lie? ?

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Do you REALLY care about the environment or do you lie? ?




  1. Yes i do and i don't lie....

  2. I dont really care , srry :[

  3. YESSS.

    i did one of my final projects on it last year.

    my slogan was a paper tossed is a forest lostt!

    hahha, well yeah, what about your kids and grandkids, if we ruin the world now, what is it gonna be like for them?

    do you want your kids and everyone else to live in a dumpster?

  4. save a tree, save a world

  5. i care...breathing clean air and drinking clean water should be important for everybody.

  6. i don't care and i don't lie

  7. i do not lie...NO  i dont give a p**p about the enviroment.

  8. Really.... Sadly I don't care. It's just I have more on my mind.

    I do try to do things but I'm not all into that green stuff.

    It's the truth  

  9. I do care about it..but not to the point where I would devote my time into diligently trying to make a positive impact on it. I'm not too lazy to at least recycle though haha

  10. i care i love animals and i care about their habitat.

  11. One day, no matter how hard we try .. The environment will be ruined and the earth will have global warming and everyone will die .. So why should we care.. I recycle and stuff when I remember .. But why waste your life :] xx

  12. Neither one really.... I don't care too terribly much about the environment and (obviously) I don't lie and say I do

  13. I do care. This is our home, and we're hurting it.

  14. I lie. I mean, whatever happens, happens. No matter what we do the environment will be destroyed. I'm not wasting my life worrying  about it.

    I do what I can to do my part in helping it, but definitely don't go out of my way to do so.

  15. Course i do...

  16. I really do care.

  17. I care. I recycle whenever possible. I use cloth diapers for my daughter.

  18. i really care about it. i just cant really do much besides walk everywhere i go because im only 13

  19. yes *he lied*

  20. Honestly? I care. Trust me.

  21. I care about the environment and why would i lie about that.

  22. No, I don't. Global warming has happened when the dinosaurs still roamed the Earth, and did they drive cars, and pollute? No. So it will happen if we pollute the planet or not.

  23. i dont even pretend to care - only thing i care about is the animals and how they're getting extinct. anything apart from that and *shrug*

  24. I care about it. No reason to lie.

  25. yea i care

    cuz we live here and we r harming our own home

  26. I care.  I love this planet, and I hate seeing it destroyed.

  27. I kinda care...but am too lazy to do anything bout it! lol

  28. I care very much. This is where we live, and we shouldn't be destroying it.

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