
Do you REALLY need salad forks?

by  |  earlier

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They are a waste of resources and I don't think we really need them. What do you think?




  1. a fork is a FORK!!!!

    its the same thing with the differnt spoons!

    who cares!

  2. You know, I was told that the extra fork was for stabbing people when they go for that last cheezy roll.

  3. I agree, just a way to have too many utensils on the table in my opinion.

  4. of course, that's why God made them.

  5. heck no!

  6. What if you were sitting down to dinner with the  queen of England or the President at a formal dinner?  Manners & protocol is always cool.  Just admit it we are all lazy. Do your thing at home but in public it shows "class".......

  7. It all depends on ur preferance.  English ppl are fancy and therefore like salad forks.  I, am american and dont like them.  ]


  8. you dont have to eat with a salad fork when you're at home...

    but if you're in a restaurant, you're paying not only for the food but for the atmosphere...and part of that is having a salad fork so you dont have to deal with a dirty fork next to you when you wait for your entre'.

    and if restaurants want to buy these forks, why should you care. its not like they're charging you extra for the fork...seriously

  9. Only the really rich people who think they have to be all proper actually even USE the salad fork! So, I say NO!!

  10. I agree, i use any fork I want, it's silly, and it's just a fork for goodness sake. you know people will say the tines are different, and they really are for salad, but, i am with you, they are a total waste of resources, and I don't have a single "salad" fork in the house, you want a salad fork?, go to salad works!

  11. No all it is is a smaller version of a fork, and after you use it, its just another thing to wash.

  12. Peons don't.

    I'm a peon.

  13. i dont think so... i dont use them.. only when im somewhere fancy..

  14. Nope I don't think so.  I eat without them at home just fine.

  15. haha same thinking as you... a fork is a fork because once you start using it, you put the dang food in yo mouth and then usually when taking out the fork your lips wipes off the food and the fork is clean again... no need for more forks and haha nowadays at times... food that aren't suppose to be finger food become finger food : )

  16. I say to h**l with salad forks! Rebel against authority.

  17. No...they are a waste of money.

  18. Only if you want to be fancy.

  19. absolutely do not need them little cheated forks....

  20. I think they are fine in a restuarant, but at home any fork will do. The industry created all the extra forks and spoons to make money. They're not needed, but the rich and famous people on earth think it makes them look good to have them. Who are we, the poor people of America to say, that if it makes them feel powerful and prosperous to have them, it's wrong and they should be done away with? If they can afford all this let them have them. I don't need all  the different utenslils to enjoy a meal.

  21. I think that a lot of things are just a waste but we still have them don't we?

  22. No...we don't REALLY need them. Some people like them so that you can have a new clean fork for your entree instead of the one covered in salad dressing. But I suppose you could just l**k it off.

  23. You don't need a salad fork when you aren't eating salad. Don't eat salad.

  24. Yes you need them have you not seen the little mermaid. She used her dinglehopper to comb her hair.

  25. does it really matter to ask a stupid question like this no affense, no it doesnt matter

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