
Do you REALLY trust Barack Obama with America's national security?

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If you think he is up to the task, please state HOW.




  1. That does not matter. You vote for McCain and lose. After that your voice is irrelevant.

  2. I wouldn't trust him with a can of soda and a package of pop rocks

  3. He has never done anything to warrant anyone's trust.  He is a Hollywood creation.

  4. Only to give away the store.......He is Good for the far lefts interests.

    Destroying America!


  5. Yes,

    The presidency of the United States is not just one man. He may have the final say in national security issues, but he has an endless amount of his advisors to educate him on all the options.

    I think intelligence is an assest to lead to the right descions. In my opinion Obama has proven to have that attribute.

  6. Sure I trust him. Last time I trust a republican the WTC came down.

  7. No, I do not.

  8. Anyone can do a better job than the ones who let 9/11 happen.

  9. Yes, he has a much better rapport with other world leaders than either McCain or Bush

  10. Obama. like every other socialist schill, will defer to the United Nations, he will never ever defend the USA from terrorism.  

    The terrorists are just waiting to see if we elect the paper tiger; if we do, when they attack, they will know that there will be no punishment or retalliation. Obama and all the other sissies will talk, talk, talk and more talk but will defer to the UN.

    If you vote for Obama, you can kiss one of our major cities good-bye!  

    Hopefully it will be Hollywood.  

  11. i'm not very politically educated, but i don't trust obama if he is going to ban guns for protection of the gunowners self. that's just stupid. my dad gets the NRA magazine and it had about 4 cards (perforated) saying that obama is going to ban guns for totally the wrong reasons. if you get the magazine, check it out.

  12. We have two choices, I feel he may play a zero sum game, which is not the best but we aren't going to lose at least. He is a smart man and I do believe him capable. However, the Republican party has shown that it does not know how to deal with military affairs. Look at Katrina, Bush ailed to get enough boots on the ground, quickly enough. We need to have a President with a cool head. After 9/11 Bush simply chose to invade two Muslim countries in revenge, one tied to the event and one not. Bush has failed to capture Osama Bin Laden, as he only used military force to surround him on three sides leaving him the option to flee to Pakistan. And finally McCain and h Republican Party have been firmly against nation building in BOsnia and Somalia. But fail to explain Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Any candidate from that party obviously has military and national security experience, but a better at s******g it up.

  13. Why should I trust McCain then? What his experience as a soldier like? Hmm... He crashed 5 times as a military pilot. Why should I let him start pointless wars? Why should I trust a warmonger in defence? Why should I trust someone who acts violence the only solution available and thinks every other country is inferior and therefore must be his puppet?

  14. LOL! No!  I wouldn't trust him to let the dog out.


  15. Yes.  He'll continue what we've been doing which is plenty.

    Stop being so afraid buddy.  It's going to be alright.

  16. First, he is a Communist and is concerned with World government not American government.

    Next, he is incompetent and has no life experience to lead on a high level.

  17. No I do not.

  18. Let me think...


  19. I don't trust any Democrat with something as important as National Security. They have far too much of a tendency to sympathize with our enemies.

  20. Don't trust him to run my dude ranch (if I had one)

  21. He has absolutely nothing to prove he is trustworthy.

  22. I do not trust him at all with such an important matter.

  23. I trust Obama with National Security more than I trust any Republican with Civil Liberties.

  24. Yes.

    He's at least on the foreign relations committee. What the h**l experience did Bush have?

  25. No sir I do not, he has no idea what a sacrifice is, he has no experience, and has never served our country, no he is not my choice under any circumstances

  26. No.  He believes that diplomacy is the answer to every international threat.  He is totally unaware of the danger presented by radical Islam.  He thinks you can 'talk a rattlesnake out of biting you'.  I'm afraid his immense ego has deceived him into believing that everybody thinks he's great and will listen to him and agree with him, just because he got a bunch of lemmings in the U.S. to do so, and a group of Germans attending a rock concert.

  27. "That pay grade is not the pay grade I once knew."

  28. Absolutely.  And I also trust that he will uphold the Constitution - something the current administration has found to be something to blow your nose on.

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