
Do you STILL have trust in Cern LH Collider?

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I've been following CERN for a long time and had total trust that the science was safe. Now I'm not too sure...This video isn't for the it. Do you still trust them? With our lives!?




  1. OMG A YOUTUBE VIDEO?! WELL THEN I'M CONVINCED! Because we all know how trustworthy youtube is. And yes, I trust the LHC with my life just as much as I trust Nibiru won't slam into Earth.

    EDIT: Awww look. you gave us all a thumbs down... WILL MY LIFE EVER BE THE SAME?!

    Its obvious the moron that made this video slept through his physics courses. The black holes that it is going to create are soooo small that they will evaporate in less than a thousandth of a second. This is because of something called Hawking radiation. Know what it is? Look it up, and not on YouTube.

    In order to create a black hole that at least has the mass of a kilogram, we would need a particle accelorator larger than the distance from the sun to the Earth, and the LHC isn't as big as Texas.

    If a black hole with the same mass as the sun were to replace the sun, we wouldn't be sucked in. Lack of light would present problems, but we wouldn't be sucked in.

    If you want to go by youtube, then find some videos on how to make a tin foil hat, when Nibiru is set for contact, and when the aliens from the planet Zork are going to abduct us all.

    You can call me an as*hole, but at least I'm not a gullibe one.

  2. Be worried about CERN.

    Those others who have no fear about anything going wrong, we'll just have to see, won't we.

    I don't need to watch the video, since the crop circles in the UK fields and elsewhere are talking about the CERN experiment. Oh, yes, you have to believe in crop circles as well to understand that. I have been investigating them for a number of years, until recently a decoding provided the answer to the mystery....and it is called CERN LHC.

    Crop circles are warning about the CERN LHC disaster approaching. As Nostradamus also predicted.

  3. you are just asking this question so you can get everyoen to watch the video right? (like seirously how could this video make you worry?)

    i did watch the video.... (and might i add it was extremely painful to sit there and watch but i did so for the sake of objectiveness.)

    my question still stands...

    how does this worry you or make you untrusting??? to CERN this whole LHC destroying the world has become a long running joke... they actually laugh at the idea.... they've even collected the newspaper articles about this 'future destruction'....

  4. I don't think anyone else watched the video cause that was AWESOME!

    h**l, I don't care if the world ends cause my life is complete now lol

  5. your an idiot

  6. It's kinda cute, and actually summarizes (very briefly and sketchily) what the main purpose of the planned experiments is. So what is worrying you?

  7. it had a nice beat and I could dance to it.

    I'd give it a 9 out of 10, d**k.

  8. you're kidding, right?

    only the terminally clueless are in any way nervous about lhc. they are going to do some cool **** with that thing, and i wish them well.

    that video was fun. very much in the spirit of videos like hotel mauna kea.

  9. yep, even moreso now.... that's a cool video and a fine rap!!... LOL!.... but what encourages me is that they're (the folks who did the vid) interested in helping folks understand what it is that they're doing with the LHC..... thanks for the link!... one of few times a YouTube link that I've been sent to from here actually made good sense!!....ya done a good thing!!..

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