
Do you Think Palin's Pregnant Daughter Has Anything To Do With The Elections?

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To me this is a nonsense issue.




  1. None. Debate her on the issues, unless you know you can't win.

  2. NO.   It still counts as one vote!

  3. Sarah Palin's daughter is the literal fruit of her labor. I thought conservative christians always judged a tree by its fruit. Sarah Palin is partly the REASON her daughter is pregnant. Instead of teaching and educating her she attempted to isolate and abstain from the issue at hand. How convenient. The number one reason teens get pregnant is because they lack the LOVE AND ATTENTION  they feel they deserve at that very moment in life. She certainly doesn't get a medal of valor for this.

  4. Of course its a nonsense issue.

    Your going up for elections, and one of your own children openly defies the very things that you preach, no big deal.

    Well if this is a non sense issue, i hope if Obama's daughter says something racist nobody makes it an issue either. I mean its just his daughter right? So what if she says something against all her father's rpinciples, its nothing right ?  [sarcasm intended]

  5. None at all.

  6. it has nothing to do just like her husbands dui over 20 years ago

  7. The DAUGHTER of the woman who is running for VICE president is pregnant.  Stop the presses!  Oh wait, they've already been stopped.  This is such a non-issue it's amazing.  Discuss her record, her views, her ongoing prosecution for abuse of power, but leave her family out of it.  It just highlights how moronic politics in this country has become.

  8.   NO.  There should be no reason that this is even brought up.

  9. Depends on how the Dems play it out. Like most conservatives, Palin has to get a basis with the conservative core of the GOP. Therefore, a child out of wed lock could lead to a hot button issue that the dems could play against Palin (whom is viewed as a stout conservative Christian.) This may not be the case as Palin decided that it would be a wise political move to disclose this information to the public and McCain so it doesn't appear to the dems as a political cover-up (and it frankly gives them less ammo to shoot at her with it being willfully brought into the public's eyes.) It also makes logical sence that the disclosure of this information will make Palin appear as a more honest politician-an immage that she is currently trying to masqurade.

  10. Not an issue. Move on.  

  11. No, but it will stop the knock about blacks having a bunch of babies and not being home!

  12. Nothing at all. All need to, MYOB. Peace

  13. It has to do with hypocrisy. After all of the same Republican neo-n**i's that criticized Obama for his middle name, his church, purposely mis-quoting his book, criticizing his wife, criticizing his father and brother, etc...... telling us to focus on the issues is very hypocritical and might have just cost their party the election.

    They say Obama doesn't have enough experience yet Palin doesn't have enough experience to teach HER OWN daughter how to keep her legs closed. Yet, she wants the USA to stop teaching s*x education(which her daughter could have used a few lessons on) and only teach abstinence(which she couldn't teach to her own child). It has everything to do with the elections. The only reason people are saying it's a non-issue is because they're Republican and their own game just got thrown back in their face.

    Republicans, do you now know why the rest of the country hates you people?

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