
Do you Think it is possible to Control Time/Space?

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like you see in Jumper the Movie, how they open and Manipulate Worm holes to go anywhere and everywhere?




  1. No, it is not very possible. But it might be possible to make use of the universe to travel back time through a black hole.

  2. Well, I woulld say no unless the earth stopped roatating, then it would stop.

  3. While I think Jumper was an Extremely poor movie and will never happen, I do believe that someday we will be able to manipulate wormholes.  However, I still think this will be very dangerous as far as a way to travel.

    Did you know that right now they are trying to create mini-blackholes and particles called strangelets over in Europe and here in the US, in Illinois?  I think that's super cool.

  4. Yes. It is possible, but not at this time, and probably not for millenia (if we even last that much longer). I recommend reading the book "Physics of the Impossible" by Dr Michio Kaku. In it, he explains "transversible wormholes" - where you manipulate a black hole and can travel through it to the other side of the universe (i.e. a parallel universe) - think of Alice in Wonderland's Through the Looking Glass. However, in order to do this, you'll need massive amounts of energy - comparable to the mass of Jupiter....

  5. Yes it will be eventually. Nothing is impossible for human ingenuity. Unless we all become extinct.

  6. no

  7. You've been watching far too many movies....

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