
Do you Think that humans will evolve further, in the Distant future?, if so, How?...?

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Do you think that Man / Humans still have the potential to evolve in the Distant Furture?...

Also, Do you think that there will be another species of Man / Human Evolving from another Ape or Monkey, from the trees, in the Far Distant Future, either with us / living amongst humans still here, or when we will become extinct?...




  1. Yes more than likely maby breathing under water more strength more smart it depends

  2. By the rate we are going in destroying forests and habitat I do not think that any mammal will have a chance in evolution, Us on the other hand we are evolving as we speak, the human body was once cover entirely with hair, now hair is vanishing slowly, more men developing baldness, that's the future, the balds will inherit the earth.

  3. Clearly, someone needs to actually read what Darwin wrote.  But, I see no reason why humans could not evolve - lose the appendix, lose the little toe, etc.

  4. we are already evolving into pure energy. the current price of energy will accelerate this.

  5. Yes, but it will be slow. First, we would be able to be older due to advances in medicine, which would also make us larger in height and weight. Then because of all the pollution, we would be more accostumed to less oxygen in our lungs. These are the first few changes. In maybe several hundered more thousand years, some apes might become more intellignet, but highly unlikely because most apes are endangered as of now. Besides, humans may not exist in the distant future.

  6. Contrary to popular belief humans are still evolving. Scientists have found evidence of brain evolution over the past 6000 years which is very recent in evolutionary time. I expect humans are still evolving right now, especially our brains.

  7. Yes, I think humans are still evolving.  I think our brain will be capable of  telekinesis or ESP or telepathy or all of the above.  Maybe even POWERS like X-men.  Could happen.

  8. Definetely, you can allready see some changes like these really tall people or children born with two heads and stuff like that.  But, i dont think it will be pretty or for the

  9. Humans have only devolved since Adam.

    Hitler, the latest antichrist is quoted as saying that he had seen the future of man. He said he was afraid of his dream.

    So, he was guided by the need to destroy Christ, starting with the Jews. He hoped to garner the (I)lluminata's truths gained in the 15th century,

    by pitting family against family to extract a position of dominance on the Dias.

  10. Yes, without a doubt.

    But more in terms of 'Transhumanism' ( )

    Ie. -The way in which our species is augmented by technology. -Just think of how advances in information networks (the Internet etc.) have changed the way western civilisation functions as a species. So yes, I see this as a form of evolution and technology will no doubt bring about vast changes in the human race. (Of course, this raises serious issues of the huge divide in terms money and privilege throughout the world.)

    Not so much in terms of biological evolution. -considering the process of natural selection, our species is currently procreating in a manner that (as far as is recognisable, (although, of course this is a very difficult to assertain)), doesn't seem to be favouring an overall combination of genes in the bigger picture.

    -Are people with higher IQs more sexually attrative?

    -Are people that are considered good looking(within a particular culture or time) more likely to have children?

    So, yeh, evolution is a constantly ongoing process, humans will biologically evolve in terms of what are considered good traits by the species, (and through the elimination of those not, /or those the render the exhibitor otherwise incapable or unlikely to have children.)

    So evolution will likely cause fewer genetic diseases, perhaps higher intelligence levels, -basically, whatever our species considers sexually attractive over a period of millions of years.

    But technology and, in turn, Transhumanism, is a process that develops with such speed and vigour (unlike biological evolution), that will change the human species (or at least those with access) in a dramatic form of evolution, the likes of which has never been seen before.

    And yes, to answer your second bit, any species will evolve, in terms of which genetic traits survive in the species.

  11. Yes. One possibility is to produce a larger head. Right now the human head is just large enough to pass through the female pelvis. The pelvis has reached a point where any enlargement will seriously impact a females ability to walk. However there has been a great rise in the number of C-sections. In theory, children with larger heads will be born, survive and pass the trait on to their offspring.

    About the apes and evolution. First they have evolved away from our common ancestor of 8 million years ago and today occupy firm ecological niches. To evolve into "another species of Man / Human" the apes would have to backtrack some 8 million years and then evolve along the path humans took. The "Planet of the Apes" movies solved this by genetically modifying the apes, not having them evolve.

    Arthur C. Clarke wrote that humans would fuse with machines and then advance from there. Personally that's my best guess on how things will evolve.

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