
Do you Watch the WHOLE game even tough your team is gettin their Butt Kicked?

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I'm asking b/c the Yankees are Loosing 13-0 and a painful game , but I'm sticking with them




  1. 99% of the time i do unless im really in a bad mood & dont want to bother.

  2. It's all about the guys in the booth during a 13-0 game. Halladay is cruising, the game is decided. Do you like listening to Michael Kay talk? Seriously, the measure of a good booth is not only if they make a close game exciting, but if they try to keep your interest during a blowout as well. I used to hate Kay, but I have warmed up to him and find him somewhat tolerable now.

  3. i think the real people to ask this question to would be any O's fan from last year when the rangers put up 30 on them...did any of them keep watching????

    i dont know if i could

  4. sometimes unless i got nothing better to do lol, go sox!

  5. painfully, with frustration and sometimes just me yelling at the tv.. yes i do..

  6. If the other team is putting up runs, I'll just watch them. I love a good slugfest. And it's half of one. Sure, I'll be sad because my team's not even close to winning, but I've learned my lesson to never turn off my TV no matter how bad you are down. I watched the Hawaii vs Curacao Little League Championship Game a few years back, and Hawaii was down 6-1 in the 6th inning. Then I turned off the TV only to find the next day that Hawaii tied the game then won it in the 7th with a walkoff. I then learned anything could happen and I've been blessed to see a few amazing comebacks. As for your situation, it's got to be exciting. 13 runs? I'd just watch it for the fun of it.  

  7. I cant stand the freakin yanks this year. they have no consistency. one night they score all these runs, the next they score none. i wouldnt waste my time watching them this season. no way they are winning this game.

  8. Yes. Unless it gets to the point where its completely unbearable.

  9. You are a true fan!

    I have done that myself. But I must admit I usually switch the channel if it is occurring.

  10. But, of course, I watch the entire game even though the team I root for is losing!

    You never know what's going to happen! Your team could get a turn over and score a touchdown or in your case hit back 2 back home runs!



  11. Pretty sure that is why there is th saying "taking the good with the bad"!

  12. I stay for the whole game when i go to games and root for for them all the way to the very last out ,but at home i'll have the tv on and just hear it without looking at it ,and do other stuff if their gettin killed.  

  13. Yes of course.  The game isn't over until the last out.  Besides you never know whats going to happen.  Once this year the Rockies came back from an 8 run deficit in the 8th inning. Best game ever and I never gave up on them. The joy of baseball is just being able to watch the game, not if they win or lose.

  14. I think it's good you're still watching and supporting your team =]

    That's what a true fan does, watches even though your team is getting their butt kicked! =]

    i always watch, even if the score is 0 to 30, I would still watch. It is painful, but I watch my team no matter what. =]

    Great Question. Here's a star =]

  15. Im still watching them but its painful

  16. I watched the whole game yesterday and honestly i wish i didnt. Although i always enjoy a good old baseball game no matter what the score is.....sometimes i wake up the next day and say "why did i need to see that?"

  17. I do! Because the game can always change drastically fast!

  18. If it's one of those pivotal games where all the things going wrong embody everything that disgusts you about a roster, then yes you should turn it off and break something. Trust me, it will make you feel better. Same thing happened about two weeks ago to the Tigers.  

  19. I tape the game and watch it later if the Tigers win. I watch everything on tape. I hate commercials. I have watched one Tiger game live because until June 28th the Tigers lost every game that was televised.  

  20. If I have nothig to do but otherwise I'll leave maybe go out a shoot hoops or something.  

  21. i do. when your favorite team is the texas rangers anything can happen.

  22. If the Twins are getting pounded, and I have things to do around the house, then I'll do that but keep the game on.

    But since I don't get to watch them often, I usually leave it on.  

  23. Why not? Unless it is too painful to watch who cares? and you never know teams have come back from that score. It is pretty unlikley but hey you never know

  24. Heck yes! Remember that game last week when the Rangers were losing 10-0 to the Red Sox after 1 inning?

    That's just about as painful as things get, but I stuck with them and ended up witnessing one of the best almost-comebacks of all time!

    I learned a valuable lesson that day... *puts hand on chin and looks thoughtful*

    Never, ever believe your team is out of any game, especially when that team is the Rangers.

    And do you remember that game last year when the Rangers kicked the Orioles' butts 30-3?

    That was painful on one level yet exciting on the other...

    I was tempted to give up on the Orioles after the Rangers were up 13-2, but I stayed and watched a record setting day by the Rangers- and I wouldn't have missed it for the world, even if it was done against my other team. ;-)

    And I'm proud of you for sticking with them *gives two thumbs up and big smile*

    Although that does sound pretty painful, to quote Yogi Berra, "It ain't over til it's over."

  25. Well, I'm the enemy, from your point of view, being a citizen of Red Sox Nation and all, and I'm not usually the sort to rub it in, but, remember Game Four of the '04 Series between our ywo teams? Like your guy Yogi said, "It's never Over Til It's Over". And, as the great manager Earl Weaver said: It ain't like football where you can run out the clock. You gotta thow the &*^% ball over the ()^*^ plate until you get 27 outs." So, yeah, I watch the whole game.


  26. Yes, I watch the whole game.  Sometimes I get really frustrated and I turn off the tv but then a couple seconds later, I turn it back on.  No matter how bad they're doing, I have to watch the game.  

  27. nope i got something called the 6 run rule. If the yanks are losing by more than 6 runs past the 5th inning, im out. Dont get me wrong, i love my yanks, but im not gonna stick around to watch a bunch of dudes lose to one of the best pitchers in baseball.

  28. I still watch it unless its Halladay. If Halladay pitched bad then I turn off the T.V. I hate when Halladay pitches bad but thank goodness he never does. Even when my team is losing I still kinda watch but its hard.

  29. Not me. After a while, I get to the point where I know the game is over and I just go and check something else out.

    Mind you, I've watched plenty of games where the Yankees got blown out. I hated seeing it, but after a while, I just get to the point where I have to turn the TV and see something else. I'll turn back to see what the final score is, but that's it.

  30. yes i do

    and u r not a "DIE HARD _____FAN" if u do not watch the games u get ur butt kicked

  31. I never leave a game early.  I have seen too many improbable combacks in over 50 years of watching Cardinals baseball that I could never leave a game early

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