
Do you accept that JESUS was a Human being? ?

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If so, why do thousands of people run after him? Che Guavera or someone like him were the same! Even Muhammad, the prophet of the Muslims! Any reason to run after them?




  1. I believe that Jesus was God in mans form.  Why do people believe in spiritual leaders in any form????  Because we have to so we can make sense of things. If you don't believe in something, you'll fall for anything.  Times are hard today, and in all of history mankind has had to grapple with some sort of socialogical or economical challenge..  It is imperative for survival to believe that  there is and was some good in this world  and  to believe in the men you mention for our good mental health.

  2. JESUS! was a man who was also a part of god. and when he died he beame a divine spirit. and he returned as such.

  3. Yes.  Fully human.  Fully God.

  4. Muhammad and JESUS were Humans being but both of them are prophets that why we run after them. They told us what we suppose to do in our life in order to win with heaven and god love.  

  5. yes i believe there was once a man,a do gooder with a pure soul

  6. I do accept that=)

  7. He wasn't a cat? Like a mountain lion or something? That's what I thought. Gee, I'm disappointed now, I love cats!

  8. In my religion - Christianity, I do believe that he was indeed a human being who lived thousands of years ago in Israel.

    People who wish to find Jesus, seem to desperately be seeking some form of enlightenment in their lives, and I do not think that in this day and age it is a psychological healthy thing to do, even if they appear devoutly religious!  

  9. In my religion -Islam-  i believe that he was prophet

    in my religion i believe also that Prophets r human

  10. Jesus was born into the body of a man... just as the holy spirit would appear as a dove... "it still was the holy spirit"...

    And Jesus is the son of God.

  11. Jesus was a man like you and me.

    He was a good man, did a lot of good things and probably preached for people to be kind to each other.

    And he was killed because of his beliefs.

    300years later the massively exaggerated story was written down by a bunch of guys who were probably good people "but" not necessarily right. And for some unknown reason, billions of people read this story book and instead of learning from it, they let the book rule their lives.

    Then they started fighting another group of people who read a different book, because the other book was obviously wrong even though both books said pretty much the same thing.

  12. He was a Carpenter, a Tradesman, have you ever got a job quote from any of these people, of course there not human

  13. Its never the men but the ideas they deciminate that capture peoples hearts and minds and eventually they are cannonised as sacred for what they represented

  14. Yes. What's wrong with that? It happened.

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