
Do you accept the offical 9/11 story?

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Ok I was searching the web and i Watched this very informitive movie. Google 9/11 ripple effect and youll see it. They made some pretty good agruemnets and they have evidence and facts. There were in fact pods on teh belly on those planes and it isnt POSSIBLE for a boeing to have hit the pentagon. Anyway when I tell people about this they either laugh or call me an idoit. But why do they just accept the story,when so many things really dont add up? im not saying that GWB ordered the attacks but If you watch this movie it will raise your eyebrows. Anyway my question is do you accept the officail story and have you ever looked at an atternative? Besides when has the government really told us the truth?

Like I said I'm not saying GWB did it but if you watch this movie some things DONOT add up. Maybe it will raise your eyebrow.




  1. Firstly, I believe it was a terrorist attack on 11th of September 2001.

    If the government was clever enough to carry out an attack, it would clever enough to cover it up.

    Some people say it is the start of a New World Order and they give you links to other sites. If there was a New World Order this would not be happening.

    Whenever a disaster occurs, there will always be unanswered questions- how can you expect a disaster where everything is perfect and all of it can be explained?

    Those who believe it was a government conspiracy need to wake up and realise they are not in a Hollywood fantasy film.

    In 1666, the Great Fire of London occurred. The whole city was destroyed and burnt down. It started in a bakery on Pudding Lane.

    We now know exactly what happened and they did at the time. But today people immediately scream conspiracy!!!!

    Conspiracies are a stupid American invention because some Americans are stupid enough to believe that they live in a TV world and that they have some "duty" to inform the world that the government committed the attack and that at the end of the day everyone will look to them as heroes for revealing the truth.

    Finally, the members of the government, Rice Bush etc. were normal kids, going to High school and then possibly college like every other teenager, living a fairly normal life. What could have happened, that made them psycho enough to attack their own country?

    I think America and other rich nations needs to learn that their oppression of poor countries leads to people becoming terrorists.

    Would you believe a terrorist's beliefs if you had a good income, a home and a future for yourself?

  2. what goevrnment told you was a complete lie, only bombs can make a building go down like that. pentagon was attacked by missile.

  3. The man who owned the WTC towers talked about demolating the towers a year before. He said that September 11th would be the date. The metal on the ground would not be molten for a months time if it were just the plane that hit it. The pentagon couldn't have been hit by a plane. The windows on the immediate right and left of the open hole are still intact in the photos, the plane's wings should have taken them out. Slow the videos down of the "plane" hitting the pentagon, it looks more like a missile to me. Also, the "top" people were on the exact other side of the pentagon when it happened, and the area where the object hit was the only part of the building that was not structurally fit to have something like that hit. Lastly, 2 weeks before the object hit the pentagon, there was a large painted line on the lawn of the pentagon with the exact angle of trajectory that the object moved in.   So, as you see, I have studied this a bit. Look up the name Tim Osman. That will make you think as well.

  4. You know I have seen other video that shows the planes with no such things that these ones on these conspiracy video's show. As for windows not been blown out on the pentagon. Do you think the windows in the pentagon are not bullet proof. are double glazed even and believe me double glazed windows when a fire happens near them do no blow out. Why most fire brigades hate them been on buildings.

  5. bush has committed many war crimes ... did you know he bought a 100 000 acre ranch in south america to live at after hes out of office to avoid being prosecuted ... theres an army base and everything

  6. We still question the JFK assignation and Roswell, but it accomplishes nothing, and so will questioning 9/11.

  7. I have watched many many 9/11 films and have come to the conclusion that the 'official story' is full of holes and quite possible all lies.

    The NWO (New World Order) is comming and there apperas to be very little resistance to it. Many people just cannot begin to accept that such a disaster was homegrown. However, having said that there is an ever growing number of people who are waking up to this terrible fact.

    Watch the videos of NufffRespect on YouTube.

  8. Bush was very much in on it. They are trying to bring in thier New World Order. Google Alex Jones, you will see.

  9. I don't buy it at all any more, or at least I'm VERY dubious, but sadly most people seem quite happy to accept what they are told, even though the official version is straight from the very people who lie and lie and lie to us time and time again... ('Iraq has WMDs', 'Mission Accomplished', 'We will start bringing the troops home soon', etc)

    Yet for some reason people believe they are telling us the truth about 9/11?!?

  10. depends who said so

  11. My first instinct told me the Cheney and comp had something to do with it. Nothing adds up.

    They have been telling us lies and living and practicing a corrupt gov behind closed doors for the past 4 years.

    I guarantee you that if Oboma wins this election that Bush and Comp have a hit on him big time.

    It is JFK all over again.

    Something is wrong in Washington. Is it the water? Or protecting their invested parties interests for quite some time.

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