
Do you actually believe in ghosts?

by  |  earlier

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like come on, are you on drugs or have you just a wild imagination? i suppose some of you insane people also believe that humanity has aliens too at Area 51 and george bush caused 9/11 and the moon landing was faked




  1. Ghosts and goblin's and and the so called paranormal are the "stuff" that sells have to be awfully gullible or a 10 year old to believe any of it. If anyone tells me they have seen ghosts or had some kind of paranormal encounter, I immediately think that they have unresolved psychotic issues...It "is, what it is" this is the real world...You go around one time and you don't get recycled to haunt the neighborhood.

  2. I saw an awful lot of things when i was growing up and through my twenties, which i believed i was seeing. But so many people doubt this, including my incredibly sceptical husband, that it makes ME doubt everything. But he wasn't there, and neither were you, so how can anyone truly say for sure?

  3. Yes I believe - I did have an experience of a vision, it's a long time ago

  4. Yes I believe in ghosts, I have seen people that have passed on since I was a child. Laugh if you want lol, but I know the truth - that is we when we die we go back to a higher state, heaven if you want to call it.

    We come back to 'earth' because we have lessons to be learned that can only be learned here, suffering, love, loss, lonliness.

    It takers great courage for a spirit to want to come back here and learn because this is purgetory, but when we return to heaven we will have evolved onto another spirit level.


  5. I believe in all of that I guess Im crazy huh!!!

  6. I must do. how else could I come back from the dead to answer the question.

  7. I believe. Just because I've had so much crazy sh*t happen to me, there can be no other explanation.

    the other **** you listed is just dumb.

    you can go on not believing, but just wait, one day something is going to happen and there will be NO other explanation.

  8. Ok so who threw a shoe at my husband when there was only the 2 of us home and we were walkng downstairs?  Who threw a book from the bookcase that landed about 6 feet away from it?  When we were decorating a few weeks ago my husband was painting around the light switch when he actually saw the switch turn on. My daughter has had her school bag pulled off her back at the top of the stairs and she refuses to go upstairs in the dark.

    She thinks it's her uncle who was killed in a car crash 4 years ago (my ex husbands brother) maybe that's why he throws things at my new hubby!!

    I also don't think we should be so arrogant as to assume that we are the only life in the universe!

    After that you're talking c**p!

  9. I have no choice, because I have seen one. Ettington Park Hotel.

  10. certainly do having had first hand experience.. dont believe in all the other S*** you quote though

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