
Do you actually believe in the "Paranormal", or do you just revel in your own stupidity?

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Do you actually believe in the "Paranormal", or do you just revel in your own stupidity?




  1. Who are you talking to? Did you notice this is the science and Math section?

    ok, so the two options on your question are

    Believing in the Paranormal, or being stupid?

    I guess that means you must strongly believe in the paranormal to think one would be stupid if they did not believe in it.

    Lets see.......hmmmmmm.....guess ill choose stupid, because I would rather not share in your belief in the paranormal.

  2. I love the paranormal and would love to have a few skeptics in my group they help prove or disprove a theory. Not believing is not a bad thing.

  3. I totally believe in the paranormal.  It is real.  It's unforetunate it's the hardest thing to prove.  I've seen the impossible, and had unexplainable experiences.  I'm currently working on this.  My goal would be to take a nonbeliever and really open their eyes to something unexpected.  It takes time.  It's the same difference, as trying to convience someone that there's a monster under your bed.  They need to see it.  Then, when they do, who would believe them??  It's a vicious circle.

  4. I believe that there are those who lack the vision to see things as clearly as others do. Some just like to hear themselves think that they know any better. Cheers

  5. yes I do. And ur a troll ( a paranormal creature ) so i am vindicated and will revel in my intelligence

  6. Little bit of both actually.

  7. yes i do,but your question is 'funny',and denotes your lack of education,and how you had been treated since you came to the light in this world,that i believe...

  8. Stop trying to bait people, get your kicks somewhere else.

    Edit 1. Lonestar is back!  Your pic is portrait -- you want landscape.

  9. I don't think that people who believe in the paranormal are necessarily unintelligent. Sure, there are some pretty dopey people with pretty dopey beliefs, but some very intelligent people throughout history have believed in some aspects of the paranormal. Most of us probably harbor some irrational beliefs here or there to some degree, some more than others. Some much more than others. All this is not a defense of the paranormal, but rather it's just a confirmation that even intelligent people can be off their rocker when it comes to some beliefs.

  10. No but i do feel you should revel in your own closed minded nature. People are allowed to believe what they want and if i choose to believe that it's stupid for you having wasted time asking a question that has already been asked many times then that's my freedom.

  11. Yes I believe. Because I dont need any psychic or book to learn this I have experienced so much, I believe because I experienced it.

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