
Do you actually believe people can be abducted by aliens..?

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This girls said she was abducted by aliens like 30 times and they tried to capture her

Do you belive people can or do you believe she was on a drug or she was C-R-A-Z-Y!

Do you have a UFO Story?

No rude comments

Thanks ^^




  1. We live in a binary culture, unfortunately, reality is far more complex. Why do people vehemently deny the existence of things that they have never experienced?

    I have personal experience that makes me believe that such things are possible. Some of the best and brightest politicians have taken the brazen step to acknowledge witnessing UFOs and they have suffered media blasts as a consequence of their honesty.

    I don't know about this specific case, but I'm neither strongly believe nor disbelieve the possibility of alien abductions, and I realize that the scientific method will probably not be enough to make that determination.

  2. I do believe people have been abducted by aliens. I just think a majority of people say they have been for attention.

    I have seen a UFO once. It was a white circle(sphere) moving slowly across the night sky. Unlike airplanes or blimps, it was moving horizontal across the sky, parallel to the ground.

  3. I think you have to tie all of it together to make sense.

    Why are they so ellusive?

    Why are they nearly always "tailed by military jets" thesedays?

    What is the purpose of 'tagging' humans?

    This only really started in the 50's - after leaks from the german prototypes of saucer craft started speculation.

    I suspect that it would be easier for a military operation - to gas an individual, abduct them, implant them, then return them. Their story would not be believed - so no prosecutions could come back to pester the military.

    The devices implanted would be a method of tracking, control, or elimination of individuals. Imagine the advantages of knowing where all your agents are at any time, being able to listen-in on conversations at a distance using an in-built bug, and if your agent tries to defect, well, bang!

    If you think this is far-fetched - look at the links, and any photos of 'ufo' implants you can find.

    Search the net for info on RFID - some of the interesting stuff is being hidden or destroyed as soon as word gets out.

    First will come RFID in cards with biometric data - issued instead of passports or on medical grounds.

    Then they will say it's easier and safer if you have an accident or become unconcious to have the chip implanted instead.

    It has already been approved by the FDA !!  - and given to stroke patients to "control their seizures" If they can turn them off - they can easily turn them on !

    Where do we draw the line - The card Id, The biometric data - or the brain implant if it is made law? We have to carry drivers licences by law - so may need to be chipped to drive - by law.

    Just be aware !!

  4. This is what I don't understand ..30 times??? I'd think there wouldn't be much left of her...or there would be internal damage...something that a dr. could see least on XRays or MRIs or something. And if they were able to abduct her...what's the difference in abduct and capture? If she meant "keep" her...I think they could if they wanted to. Besides, how could she possibly escape from a space ship or another planet? They would have to be the ones to bring her back. Doesn't make sense.  Maybe she was abducted once and is having flash backs because of it.

    I've never seen a UFO...but I had a VIVID dream about a bunch of them once.  I've never been abducted..but other traumatic things have happened to me that people didn't I empathize with those people who really were abducted and people didn't believe them. If something like that really happened to someone..they'd be so traumatized they probably wouldn't be coherent ..and people would think they were crazy. It's a "Catch 22".

  5. im a paranormal investigator, & UFO's etc do NOT interest me whatsoever......maybe too much meds eh

  6. I believe it's possible.I wonder why Aliens would want or need to.After mastering space travel and conquering the distance.It seems strange they'd kidnap anyone.I'm sure they could have all the volunteers they'd need.As far as people who say they've been abducted.From what I've seen.Some are lying and the rest are a few miles short of a light year.

  7. There are certainly people of good standing in their community and professions that believe they have been abducted. Most (contrary to some beliefs) do not try to sell their story or get on TV or anything else that would draw attention to themselves.

    Most do not qualify for any type of mental disorder (some do experience PTSD symptoms from the event) and some have passed polygraph examinations (not impossible but more difficult than people claim if your lying).

    Each individual case has to be examined by itself to determine the validity of the claim.

    So, certainly people not crazy, on drugs, or lying do experience something they take to be alien abductions. What that might be to me remains an open question with no explanation (including aliens) being able to be ruled out currently.

    Edit: I am aware that sleep paralysis can give one this experience. That fails to explain multiple witnesses and abductions of people while physically active.


  8. I think this all goes back to the human need for the unknown, and the requirement to explain it with unverifiable hoo-hah. If this phenomenon were so widespread, why aren't there any indisputable photographs? Why are they only abducting certain people, instead of saying, making wide-scale, incontrovertible contact? Why would aliens, physiologically, at all resemble us? (i.e., what other animals not directly related to our own gene pool from the last 6 million years look like us? Horses? Dogs?)

    When I see incontrovertible truth, then maybe I'll change my mind. In the meantime, UFOlogy belongs in the same realm as witchcraft and alchemy. Although somehow there are people that still believe in that. Before believing in mysticism - take a step back, and think if it actually makes sense.

    To the comment of the user above who claimed to see a UFO and stated:

    "Unlike airplanes or blimps, it was moving horizontal across the sky, parallel to the ground."

    What the h**l plane or blimp have you been on that wasn't moving parallel to the ground in a horizontal direction? Were you going to the moon perhaps?

  9. No, I'm way too aggressive ;)

  10. yes!! and for some reason they like to wear lots of leather when doing the probs... lol

    no really, its possible I suppose, but how many people do they really need to "probe" before they've learned what they need from us? and why not keep a couple rather than continuing to go throgh the painful process of sneaking here and snatching and relocating people... just doesn't seem like very smart aliens...

  11. I personally think that the girl was dreaming, or having the same nightmare every night.

  12. When science gets an unexpected result, it does not deny it's observations as ridiculous.  Similarly, instead of dismissing so many abductions as something aliens wouldn't do, we should be figuring out why they do them so often.

    And the people who experience abductions are not crazy.  They do not see anything else that is not there.  They do not hallucinate.  Many have gone through psychological testing and  they've basically discovered that many experience post traumatic stress disorder.  That's something you experience if you have a traumatic experience.

    I recently saw a video at a large ufo presentation in which the guy had so many abduction experiences that he set up a surveillance camera. Yep, right there in two of his videos were little gray aliens.  He also had two or three photos of aliens.  This guy's case has been investigated by many top researchers.  I have not heard of anyone debunking his experiences.  He is coming out with a dvd sometime soon.  Unfortunately, I cannot recall the guy's name.  If I remember it, I will come back and edit my answer.  

    Oh, and I almost forgot.  There was a case in which at least 9 people watched a woman be floated out of her skyscraper window into a ufo.  The people saw the ufo, the aliens, and her.  There's a book about this case, too.

  13. My gal Miyuki and her friends are aliens. They are citizens of Japan, not the USA. Do you believe they abduct me? Miyuki weighs 97 lbs., her pal Kumiko weighs 100 lbs. and her pal Yuki weighs 106 lbs. I weigh 355 to 370 lbs. lately. The 3 of them weigh 303 combined. No ET aliens visit us, because the distances in space are much too vast for that. Imagine a 106,448 year voyage from the nearest star to our Sun. The girl you mention was pulling a hoax or is mentally ill.

  14. Could be possible, ive read lots of accounts of people being abducted, but then whos to know the truth, unless it happens to us.....Ive never seen a ufo....

  15. No, she was not on drugs, nor was she crazy. Alien abductions are caused by a sleeping phenomena called "Sleep Paralysis"

    This is the same phenomena that causes the "Old Hag", "Succubus" and many other stories in other cultures.

    This is very realistic and not a lot of people know about it, even though it happens to about 1 in 3 people at least once in thier lives, some people experience it quite a bit more than once. People who experience it tend to believe what happened to them was real and not just a vivid hallucination. Its some crazy stuff.

  16. Ok, lets say, hypothetically, aliens did abduct people.

    You think that the aliens with their advanced technology (having traveled across space) would make so many mistakes and allow people to remember it?

    I haven't actually read many accounts but I do know that if an alien was trying to tag humans, they may do it in a more subtle manner.

    I'm not sure if aliens have visited Earth, or that they abduct people, but if they do, I think it's more likely that people would not remember anything about it, not even that anything strange happened to them. Either that or they have a false memory of being at home, alone, watching TV etc etc.

    Most of the stories you hear are attention seekers.

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