
Do you actually ever look at the insides of chocie wrappers to see if you've won??

by  |  earlier

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I've jus ate a packet of Malteaser n realsied that there was a prize for a holiday every year in aid of Mamma Mia or some c**p like that...

I never check to see if ive won, and am worried now that I may have thrown away a winning pack! Dun dun durrrrrn!

Do you ever check?

Has anyone ever won anything?

Most I ever won was a packet of crisps when I was about 11. Pfffft!




  1. Always check.  

    The one time you don't check, you won.

    I've never won anything more than a free soda.  But it was still FREE!

    Look, look like your life depends on it.

  2. never!

    i always look.

    but i NEVER win. hahha.

  3. I wouldn't win my way out of a paper bag

    Never check!

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