
Do you actually know any British people with green teeth?

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My poor mother has some due to an accident at the dentist.

It wasn't her fault after her tooth got chipped she went to the dentist to have them capped and it sent them green.

So can we blame our dentists for such poor workmanship and giving us a bad press?




  1. she should sue the dentist, as his shoddy  treatment was what caused the problem in the first place.  

  2. I don't think I know any British people.;...

  3. Yes, but he claims it is the cabbage flavored tooth paste he uses.  

    I'm guessing British dentists like to inflict pain upon their patients, which is why so many Brits stay away from said tooth mongers.  Nothing wrong with green teeth.  Why, in the right light they're almost fetching.  Can't always count on that light, but, oh well, keep a stiff upper lip, and all that.  Quite.

  4. I don't know many British people. Maybe the occasional turist that I may sell a ticket to. I haven't seen any exceptionally strange dentures among them. But then I'm waiting to visit the UK one day to rigorously inspect people's mouths forcibly.  

  5. green teeth! no

    aw the 2 bob mob hiv black teeth but must young people look after their teeth!

  6. When I was in England a few years ago I noticed alot of the men had bad teeth, but the women I seen have beautiful teeth, and also beautiful skin.

  7. I traeted a patient once that had so much decay in his mouth his teeth were compleatly green. except it wasnt his teeth it was the food stuck in the cavitys that had rotted down and moulded and furred all over his mouth it was gross. It took 3 months of intensive treatment and now you would never know.

    If her teeth went green then the tooth died and i dont think this would have been the fault of the dentist. i'm trying to see how her teeth turned green? it cant have been the capped teeth was it the adjasent teeth? was it a reaction to the mental? as this would be very rare but i suppose not impossble.

  8. I know one person in Suffolk...... he used to have green teeth, matter of fact he used to have teeth.

  9. Willie Nelson appears to have green teeth but he isn't British that I know of. I call him Willie Greenteeth. Under certain florescence lighting some crowns and bridges, patch jobs and heavy tobacco stain teeth take on a certain glow. Particularly if you live near a nuclear power station and the streetlights change when you walk under them.

  10. No I don't .

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