
Do you actually like AFL or do you think it's a waste of time and resources.?

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Do you actually like AFL or do you think it's a waste of time and resources.?




  1. It's a waste of time here in Tassie. You only really find it being taken serious in the more "bogan" areas, and as for being a waste of resources, YES! It is here, with the government insanely shelling out $15,000,000 for sponsorship of some stupid mainland football team. That money would have been much better spent on infrastructure, roads, health, education, any number of things that would actually benefit the community down here, rather than it benefiting a football team from Victoria. Plus I find it tedious to watch. The only vaguely amusing thing about it is watching interviews with players, many of them seem to have a limited grasp of the English language, and at times appear punch-drunk, which is always amusing.

  2. NO...I love it!

  3. I love footy mate!

    WA footy goes back to 1895 and my boys the Eagles have won three premierships since entering the National Competition.

    80,000 West Aussies play footy every week. The AFL inspires the kids to get off their fat bums and get outdoors.


  4. I love the footy,i can't see where its a waste of time or resources,people want entertainment in the form of elite sport and the AFL delivers that,it provides jobs in the community like e.g trainers,medical,media,security,hospital... players themselves,gate attendants,merchandise sellers,administration etc and has good programs for kids to get involved like Aus kick which is better than kids sitting on a computer all day getting fat. not to mention its the best game in the world oh and its Australian made,GO BLUES!

  5. Nah mate, lol.

    Just check how much money they're raking in,

    and the game's alright as well.


  6. I think it is the least anti-social of the other codes and it creates a great sense of community and I mean in the bush towns as well as the cities.

    It is the only successful activity that has encouraged young indigenous kids to get out and give it a go and that can only be good thing and in the long run will save money.

    So as you will gather I love it ,I love to stirr up the opposition fans all in good fun,I love to scream for my team and cant see something that brings so much joy to young and old could ever be a waste of time and money.

  7. y is it a waste of time.....i think ur a waste of time....foooty is like de best!!!!!!

  8. its a waste of time now

    the umps always get the interstaters across the line

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