
Do you actually think it is the President, not the U.S. Congress, who spends, borrows and decides on taxes?

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Naive people who don't have a clue continue to assume the President approves funding but that is so absurd. It doesn't work that way. Do some search and learn something.




  1. Hu?  Don't you read the papers?  Bush had a very compliant and obedient rubber stamp Congress for 6 years.  He was able to do any stupid thing that popped into his head.  How do you think we got into these stupid wars?  How do you suppose we got the Patriot Act - and Bush/Cheney are now reading your e-mails and listening to your telephone conversations?  

    Obviously it's NOT SUPPOSED to work that way - but it sure did for 6 miserable years.  Not since the days after the Civil War has this country been in such corrupt hands as Bush and his obedient republican Congress.

  2. that is bulls**t

    it is CONGRESS


    I hate and despise political ignorants

    Thank God for the electoral system

  3. I agree with you....but it's also not as cut and dry as that....spending goes right down to the very core of our local governments...if spending in Congress were to cease it would only hurt us the most....these corrupt b******s will still take their cut and leave us with nothing for our schools and etc.....Congress needs to spend, and not pocket as much and we wouldn't have the spending problems we have now

  4. Everyone should know it's congress, but people love to blame the president.

  5. Nope Congress

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