
Do you actually think that David Motari (the puppy tossing guy) actually deserves to die?

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i used to work at a pig killing factory and i would kill at least 3000 pigs a day (people need their bacon)!!! the way we killed them was much more cruel then that but they need to die one way or another... i know it was a bit cruel what he did but their are so many people that will kill other kinds of animals everyday. we just feel compassion for dogs because we keep them as pets... think about it, how do you make fur coats or how do you kill chickens. kids kill squirrels everyday with pellet guns and slingshots... (i did it lol) does that mean me or any other person who kills an animal deserve to die... absolutely not!!! people are so dumb, im sure more then 80% of the population has killed an animal at least once if not more...

im sorry i just wanted to say this...

tell me what you think...




  1. nothing against what you said. And im 14 so im probably naive but i have a really strong heart for animals. Even though people go out and hunt like every weekend, pet animals are very dear to people. Who know sif that was even his dog?? I think he should be severely punished. Its worse then going and killing them for meat or fur, he did it just because

  2. I don't think he deserves to die, but he is a piece of c**p for what he did. I understand you worked in a pig factory to make pork products for people to EAT, but he killed the puppy for what reason? Do you think he planned on eating the meat? No, he threw the puppy off a cliff for fun or some other stupid reason and video taped it as well. While I agree lots of people have killed animals I would hope they didn't just do it  for fun. Killing for the sake of killing is just plain wrong. While I think PETA might be too far to one side for animals, someone needs to say something about just plain cruelty. Stupidity is no excuse for killing. Thats my opinion

  3. He belongs in prison and then he should be forced to donate 15% of his earnings for life to animal rights organizations. He's a discredit to the Marines and most men everywhere. It is disgusting!

  4. I think he should be tossed off a cliff.Not too high,mind you,just high enough to break a few bones.

  5. That j******f threw that puppy for his own amusement. And video taped it...maybe he can show that to his kids someday. I don't know where you come from, but were I live kids aren't killing animals. Killing an animal for necessity are different from killing for pleasure.

    I wouldn't want that guy to die...but I'd like to see his loser-*** be tortured. Along with anyone else who kills or tortures animals, or other humans for that matter.

  6. he was in a position of responsibility, a public servant, who callously without question or morals tossed a harmless defenseless puppy of a cliff for a laugh. ppl who work in abattoirs are providing food for the nation, there is a vast difference. if the methods used at the abattoir were that cruel you should have reported it to an animal rights charity. also if i caught my kids or anyone else's kids taking potshots at aminals with a gun i will kick their into next week, it is not acceptable to be sadistic and cruel just because you can and for those actions you should be ashamed of yourself but you probably wont be. i'm not saying he should die but he should be punished for his stupidity.

  7. What is amazing to me is that human beings both American Soldiers and American Civilians are dying EVERYDAY. These people don't even maked the news, or the back page of a newspaper. Now a unknown puppy in Iraq gets a little Airbourne and it's Mass Media...

    All life is precious, but the puppy is just an animal, where as our soldiers and fellow civlians are human beings... I just wish people would have the same reaction, intrest, and compassion over our soldiers as they do this puppy.

    I don't think he deserves to die.  The puppy wasn't human...  I ran over a squirrel today.  Should I do Community Service?  I used to go fishing, and eat my fish I caught.  What about Deer Hunters?  They hang dead heads on thier wall.  Maybe the soldier should have hung the dead dog's head on his Hummvee.  Then he won't be in such trouble...

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