
Do you actually train striking with the different hand forms?

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I'm talking in sparring and such not just doing them in Kata. Do you actually use say a nishi-ken or hanuchi-ken when striking or during grappling? If so please give an example. It doesn't have to be graphic as we don't want to give away tons of stuff to those who won't work for it.




  1. When a technique is used it is often without thought I use Boshiken without thinking about it alot of the time  train them all you never know when you need them.

  2. i tend to use fist, hammerfist, knife hand, and palm strikes, and tiger claw.

    because alot of the more esoteric ones such as cranes beak, snake head, phoenix eye fist, other one knuckle punches or ...striking with the first knuckle of your thumb (ala uechi ryu karate) is kinda stupid because you're just going to break your weapon without the proper training. just like kicking with your're going to break your toes. even though people say they use those weapons for vulnerable targets....yeah will probably miss in a live situation. hid someone with a cranes beak on their skull and guess who gets hurt worst lol

    of course a cranes beak, or snake strike to the eyes would work...but you cant really do any of that stuff in sparring now can you?

  3. I've used palm strikes, hammer fists, ridge hands, and chops in sparring, but never half-fists, claws, spear hands, etc.

  4. Hah!! Shaolin Kung Fu has like 18 Hand Forms! Each design for special occasions! I use to try do finger jabs to dry pinto beans. Also finger push ups. Holding Jars of water help too! Forearm training is essential to it. I got lazy though and stopped doing it!

    1.Level Fist

    2.Sun-Character fist

    3.leopard punch

    4.Phoenix- Eye Fist

    5. Elephant Punch

    6.Willow-leaf Palm

    7.Dragon Palm

    8.Dragon hand form

    9.Tiger claw

    10.eagle claw

    11.snake hand finger zen

    13.sword finger

    14.crab pincers

    15.crane beak

    16.monkey paw

    17. praying mantis hand

    18. hook hand

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