
Do you admit as I do that.........?

by  |  earlier

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Do you admit as I do that although many of us are voting for McCain not Obama .......Obama displayed true class today by stating that the pregnancy of Governor Palins daughter has no relevance on the election ?

When any man is right......I tip my hat to him. I think that Obama was right when he made that statement about Palin's daughters pregnancy not being relevant to the election & I think that Obama deserves respect for making that statement.

I would like to think that Obama's statement is a step in the right direction toward making this a Campaign of true Political Issues as it should be.




  1. There are plenty of other, good reasons to NOT vote for McCain.

  2. True, but Palin should have never made the statement about her daughter. We don't know a thing about McClain's children.. I only saw the daughter this last time, One of them.. I believe she should have never trodded her family out on display knowing the media doesn't giving a hoot about caring about the girl.

    If they questioned who the mother of the 4 month old's mother is, prove the point and don't expose this about your daughter.

    The whole time Bush has been in office we never saw his twins until one got married.. or Cheney's children.. I couldn't point them out in a line up today..

    Please keep your children at home if their are issues..and your mouth shut..cause the media is rough..

  3. Palin's daughter does not deserve to be drug into this mess.  Her mother on the other hand has preached abstinence and family values, so I'm kind of mixed on the deal.

  4. I really could not agree with you more on this.

    He treated the situation with such grace and class that I believe he deserves a great deal of approval twoards his actions.

    Thank you for posting this. :)

  5. The problem is that he hired on a lap dog named Biden to do his dirty work not to mention the lib press. If he is sincere then I give him credit, at the same time it was people in his camp that started the rumor that the newborn (Trev) was not Sarah Palins, but her daughters.

    Obama would have been a fool to say anything other

  6. It was very gracious of him, especially since the RNC was also downplayed and there was less chance for damage control.

  7. Yes, Senator Obama does deserve recognition for having some class.  I would like to point out that the smear campaign came from the Daily Kos, a far leftist site that actually does some news stories on the side.  There is a trend of the media both in the blogosphere and mainstream press to issue attacks from one side or the other.  Some cover their commentary with news to skew issues.  In the months to come, more is heading this way.  Both candidates will continue to denounce the ones dealing with hate and family affairs.  Try to see thru this political maelstrom and vote with issues and ideaology, not with bias and rumor.  Freedom of speech and the press are rights that must be backed up with personal responsibility.  

  8. I agree.  Obama did the right thing, too bad his followers didn´t follow suit.  They are a classless bunch.

  9. I agree 100%.  He said it clear and strong and I believed he meant it. It was a powerful statement that he made and surprised me.  I was expecting him to not say anything about it, so again, I was pleasantly surprised that he did so in such a strong way.

    It is a shame that people on here and select other websites haven't listened to him and have chosen to roll in the mud.

  10. I wholeheartedly agree. I appreciate the Senator from Illinois for being such a fine gentleman.

    Let's see what the boy and his handlers put out next week about it!

  11. Yes, that's one of the many reasons I am voting for him; he's sincere and fair.

  12. I agree.Candidates children should be and remain off limits - both parties.

  13. i'm voting for him, but i disagree with him on this one!

    the gop is running on strong family values, palin's role as a mother should be a subject for the american people.

    obaden 08

  14. I agree! That was very nice of him!

    McCain/Palin 2008

  15. Oh yeah.. he was  classy as h**l.. 3 DAYS  AFTER THEY STARTED CRUCIFYING THIS YOUNG GIRL..did he have his head in the sand all that time?  Must be kind of like the racist church going thing.. he just " never heard anything wrong"  In 20 years.. yeah right.

    You go ahead and be proud of him.. you are very likely a hypocrite just as he is.

    By the way.. I guess it is open season on the Obama girls now too.. can't wait to hear all the stories  about them.. and their " daddy" ha ha

    By the way it is easy to see you are really a Democrat trying to disguise yourself.....

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